Violent robbers have sentences increased under the Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme

Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, May 4, 2022 6:46 AM

Two violent robbers have each received an increased jail sentence after the Solicitor General Alex Chalk QC MP referred their cases to the Court of Appeal.

In 2018, Royston Thomas, then-37 and Aaron Bonner, then-43, both entered a local hair salon and demanded money. They assaulted the owner and stole approximately £100. When one of the customers, who was 87, attempted to leave the salon to find help, she was shoved to the floor by one of the offenders and suffered a fractured hip and bruising. The other offender stole her handbag.

On 3 February 2022, at Bradford Crown Court both offenders were convicted of robbery. Bonner was also convicted of possession of a bladed article, while Thomas was convicted of possession of a Class A drug. Bonner was sentenced to 5 years’ imprisonment, while Thomas was sentenced to 6 years’ imprisonment.

Following the sentencing, the Solicitor General referred the sentences of both Thomas and Bonner to the Court of Appeal under the Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme.

On 4 May the Court found the original sentences to be unduly lenient. Bonner’s sentence was increased to 6 years’ imprisonment, while Thomas saw his sentence increased to 8 years’ imprisonment with a 3-year extended licence.

Speaking after the hearing, the Solicitor General Alex Chalk QC MP said:

This particularly violent robbery was a terrifying incident for the hair salon owner and customers.

I believed that the behaviour of Royston Thomas and Aaron Bonner warranted a stronger sentence, and I am glad that the Court agreed.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on May 4, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow