UN Human Rights Council Special Session on Sudan: Adoption of the resolution

Published By GOV.UK [English], Fri, Nov 5, 2021 11:20 AM

Thank you Madam President.

On behalf of the Core Group consisting of Germany, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, I am is pleased to introduce this draft resolution HRC / S-32 / L.1, as orally revised. The oral revisions have been posted on e-delegate.

Madam President,

Swift, effective and strong action by this Council in response to the military takeover of 25 October in Sudan, is the reason we and others called for today’s Special Session.

The draft resolution we present today, in our view, achieves that. It has been the product of extensive consultations over the last few days, including with Sudan as the country concerned, the African Group, and other delegations. We are deeply grateful to all those who have worked with us so constructively and intensively on the draft resolution that we have before us today.

Madam President, this draft resolution delivers three key outcomes:

First, it condemns in the strongest possible terms the military takeover of 25 October in Sudan, and joins the calls made elsewhere, including by the African Union and the United Nations Security Council, for the immediate restoration of its civilian-led government, and the release of all those detained arbitrarily, since the takeover began.

Second, it requests the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to update the Council, at its next regular Session, on the human rights situation since the takeover. The continued excellent work of the OHCHR Country Office in Khartoum will be crucial to achieving this.

Third, the Council requests the High Commissioner to designate an Expert on Human Rights in Sudan, who will provide further monitoring and reporting on the human rights situation since the takeover, and present a comprehensive written report to the Council at its 50th session. The term of office of this Expert on Human Rights in Sudan, will conclude upon the restoration of its civilian led government. This restoration should be immediate.

Madam President,

The Core Group understands that this text enjoys the support of the country concerned, and of the African Group following our intensive consultations.

Accordingly, we hope that all States, members and non-members alike, will support wholeheartedly this resolution. In doing so, the Council will demonstrate clearly that it stands in solidarity with the people of Sudan in their struggle for democracy and human rights.

Thank you

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Nov 5, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow