Training course for Veterinary Dispensary Managers

Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, Dec 15, 2021 11:51 AM

Following on from the success of the VMD’s Introduction to Veterinary Wholesale Qualified Person training day the VMD is continuing to expand its training portfolio to help support its stakeholders.

The VMD is planning to run a Veterinary Dispensary Manager training course in May 2022. The course will provide an overview of running the practice dispensary effectively, working within the confines of the legislative requirements for retail supply of veterinary medicines.

The training will be provided in a blended learning format of talks and workshops to give working examples and real-life applications of the learning received.

It will cover topics such as:

Effective management of the veterinary dispensary

Sourcing veterinary medicines

Correct storage & labelling

Prescribing, supplying & dispensing

Safe handling of veterinary medicines

How to store & record Controlled Drugs

Monitoring the use of veterinary medicines

How to reduce dispensing errors

Identifying common insufficiencies within dispensary inspections

Veterinary Medicine Regulation Sector updates

A VMD certificate of attendance will be provided on completion of the course.

The cost of the training is £395. For more information and to purchase a place on the course, please visit the Eventbrite booking page.

The VMD’s Training Team are planning a series of training courses; if you are interested in attending a future event, or have any questions, please email

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Dec 15, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow