The UK's International Development Committee visits Bosnia and Herzegovina

Published By GOV.UK [English], Fri, Feb 11, 2022 7:52 AM

The UK International Development Committee (IDC) delegation visited Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), from 8 to 11 February, as part of their Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach inquiry.

The IDC oversees the spending of UK government official development assistance on behalf of Parliament, including its work in promoting dialogue and reconciliation between communities. During the visit, they were able to see first-hand how UK development assistance and political engagement is supporting dialogue between communities, combatting hate speech and supporting reconciliation across the country.

The IDC delegation met Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Zoran Tegeltija, and members of both Collegiums of BiH’s Parliamentary Assembly. They discussed the current situation in BiH and how UK engagement can support a fairer, more inclusive society for all.

In Sarajevo and Mostar, the IDC delegation spoke with civil society from across BiH, including those delivering UK-funded projects that aim to strengthen dialogue and to overcome past legacies.

The IDC will continue their wider inquiry on return to the UK, with a report expected in the coming months.

British Ambassador to BiH, Matt Field, said:

This week’s parliamentary visit was a further demonstration of UK interest in, and commitment to, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Meeting a wide range of civil society voices, female entrepreneurs, and politicians, our parliamentarians listened carefully to their concerns, and their plans for the future.

The UK will continue to support those fighting for an inclusive, safe and prosperous BiH, and a country where all can succeed.

The Chair of the IDC and leader of the delegation in BiH, Sarah Champion MP, said:

As a cross-party delegation from the UK Parliament International Development Committee, we wanted to see first-hand the challenges currently facing Bosnia and Herzegovina, including the drivers of tension today.

We were heartened by the passion and commitment of many, especially young people, to build stronger and more cohesive communities, while tackling the legacy of past violence.

What happens in this country matters.

During the trip we scrutinised UK policy and investments, identified lessons to learn, and underlined the need for the UK to play an active role in supporting positive change.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Feb 11, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow