The future of Grenfell Tower: a letter and leaflet from MHCLG

Published By GOV.UK [English], Thu, Jul 15, 2021 7:17 AM

A letter was sent to bereaved families, survivors and residents in late May about the publication of the independent, expert advice that will inform a decision about the future of the Tower later this summer.

Throughout May, early and late June, MHCLG has been meeting with bereaved families, survivors and residents to share and discuss the advice with you, and to understand any questions, concerns and priorities about the way ahead. These meetings are continuing throughout July.

This letter, sent to the above groups the week of 5 July, shares what we have heard so far, and responds to some of the most frequently asked questions. We recognise that some people haven’t felt able to attend the sessions so far and we want to share this information with everyone – at every step towards a decision and beyond. The leaflet below was included within the letter, as well as being distributed during the different meetings that began in May.

The MHCLG Grenfell site team and engineering experts remain available to meet with bereaved families, survivors and residents. They are keen to hear any further comments, questions and concerns about the documents that have published, or the information in this letter, by the end of July. The team is available to speak to you directly, either in person at a place convenient to you or on the phone. The different ways to speak to us are included on page 3 of this letter, and can also be arranged by:

emailing calling 0303 444 0011.

visiting to book a meeting (before 21 July).

To request a translation of this letter, please email

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jul 15, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow