The Chief Inspector is recruiting, closing date is Monday 21 June

Published By GOV.UK [English], Tue, Jun 8, 2021 8:42 AM

The Independent Chief Inspector of Borders & Immigration (ICIBI) is looking for applications from enthusiastic individuals with a well-developed sense of curiosity and excellent writing skills.

Launching the recruitment campaign David Neal said:

I am really keen to receive applications from individuals, with as diverse a range of backgrounds as possible, to assist me and the team in delivering the interesting and challenging work of the Inspectorate. In order to do this, I have cast my net wide to attract external candidates as well as existing civil servants.

Previous experience of borders and immigration work or of inspecting is not essential; what is essential, is being a self-starter, with energy to pick up and run with a new topic and run the detail to ground.

The next few years promise to be very busy for the UK’s borders and immigration system and I am currently designing a plan that rebalances our inspections across all aspects of the Home Office’s immigration operation including Border Force activity at airports, seaports and juxtaposed controls, immigration casework units, and enforcement operations. We are adjusting the way that we are operating and re-introducing a mix of shorter as well as standard inspections, so there will be plenty of variety and the opportunity to play a key role in one of the most complex and challenging areas of our national life.

If this sounds interesting, and you believe you could add value to a tight and committed team delivering the new inspection programme then, I look forward to meeting you.

For further information please see the job advert on Civil Service Jobs.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jun 8, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow