Recruitment starts for new SMC commissioners

Published By GOV.UK [English], Fri, Jan 21, 2022 9:45 AM

Today (Friday 21st January) the Government’s Equality Hub will begin recruitment for up to five new Social Mobility Commissioners.

The move comes following the expiry of previous Commissioners’ tenures at the end of October 2021.

Last year, Katharine Birbalsingh CBE was appointed the new Chair of the SMC, and Alun Francis OBE as the Deputy Chair. The new Commissioners will work alongside the new Chair and Deputy, forming a new board that will meet regularly to drive forward the work of the Social Mobility Commission (SMC).

The SMC is an independent body which seeks to put forward solutions to issues that are holding people back from achieving their potential in the United Kingdom. Following the Minister for Women & Equalities’ ‘Fight for Fairness’ speech in December 2020, the Commission moved into the Cabinet Office, allowing it to advance key action on social mobility issues from the heart of government.

Recruitment for the roles begins today and closes 18 February 2022. Those appointed will expected to fulfil a number of roles, including:

actively engaging with the business of the Commission, contributing their knowledge and experience in order to shape and enhance its work;

commenting on and contributing to the Commission’s major research reports and publications, including its annual report which is laid before Parliament;

building and maintaining effective working relationships with the Chair and Deputy Chair, the other Commissioners, and the Secretariat, to ensure that the Commission works effectively to fulfil its remit;

acting as an advocate for the social mobility and the levelling up agendas, helping to drive a culture of change both within and outside government and building effective relationships with relevant stakeholders; and

acting as a representative of the Commission, espousing its values and work.

The time commitment is one to two days a month (12 to 24 days per year) for Commissioners.

Notes to Editors:

More details can be found on the HMG Public Appointments page

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jan 21, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow