Political developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina: UK statement, 17 December 2021

Published By GOV.UK [English], Fri, Dec 17, 2021 5:38 AM

Thank you Chair.

We share the views already expressed by the EU. The UK is deeply concerned by the decision on 10th December of the Republika Srpska National Assembly to begin the drafting of legislation to create parallel institutions. This is a further escalatory step that challenges the Dayton Framework, which has underpinned stability and prosperity in Bosnia and Herzegovina over the last 26 years. The increased tensions and the blocking of institutions’ functionality will restrict economic opportunities available to citizens, deter investment, and distract from the fight against corruption.

We encourage all leaders to build mutual trust by immediately abandoning divisive and escalatory rhetoric and action, and to return to the state institutions in full capacity, where disagreements can also be discussed. We call on all politicians of Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to resume dialogue and to urgently find a solution.

We reiterate our support for the work of the EU Special Representative, Operation EUFOR Althea, the High Representative and the NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo, as well as for the unique role of the OSCE and its field operations in early warning, conflict prevention and conflict rehabilitation.

We recall the 12th December statement of the Chairperson-in-Office Ann Linde and Secretary General Helga Schmid on the latest political developments in BiH, as well as the Quint/EU Special Representative (EUSR) statement of 10th December and the G7 statement of 12th December.

The UK is committed to the success of Bosnia and Herzegovina and all of its people. We reiterate our resolute support for the country’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and unity. We will do all we can to preserve the gains achieved through peace and dialogue.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Dec 17, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow