OPSS Regulatory Excellence Awards 2021 winners announced

Published By GOV.UK [English], Thu, Jun 10, 2021 9:06 AM

The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) Regulatory Excellence Awards were held online this year with its largest ever audience of more than 250 people able to attend, including representatives from business organisations and public sector regulatory professionals.

Paul Scully MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and Minister for London, provided the opening address.

He said:

“Thank you to all the organisations that have entered this year’s Regulatory Excellence Awards and for the cooperation and partnership working you were involved in with the Office for Product Safety and Standards. This year it is particularly important we celebrate outstanding regulatory practice in supporting businesses and protecting consumers.”

There were five award categories: Coronavirus, Better Business for All, Primary Authority, Innovation and Technical, and Product Safety.


The winners demonstrated excellent regulatory practice in response to the pandemic. This included helping keep people safe whilst businesses trade, supporting businesses to comply with new regulations, and aiding recovery by helping them reopen.

Winner: Oxfordshire Coronavirus Regulatory Partners

Oxfordshire Regulatory Partners quickly realised that the challenges of coronavirus were best met jointly and developed a regulatory network together with public health partners. Sweeping away any barriers to collaboration, they built on local knowledge and expertise, used Government funding to increase coverage and influenced through regulatory excellence. They shared engagement and learning outcomes and partnered with national advisors and coordinators.

See the Oxfordshire Coronavirus Regulatory Partners Video

Highly Commended

Primary Authority Supermarket Health and Safety Covid Expert Panel

Directors of Public Protection Wales

Chorley and South Ribble Council

Environmental Health and Trading Standards Covid19 Expert Officer Group – ETC19


Lichfield District Council & Central England Co-op

Better Business for All

The winners delivered outstanding regulatory support at a local level.

Winner: Heart of the South West Better Business for All

Heart of the South West Better Business for All brought partners together from local authority economic development, trading standards and environmental health teams and business representatives. They produced and delivered guides and webinars for the business community and acted as a one stop shop for all things EU-Transition.

See the Heart of the South West Better Business for All video

Highly Commended

Cumbria Better Business for All Group


Sussex Better Business for All – Charcuterie

Primary Authority

The winners demonstrated exceptional achievements in using their primary authority partnerships to make regulation work for businesses.

Winner: Wakefield Metropolitan District Council & EC4 Hotel

The impact of coronavirus is huge on the hospitality sector’s income and that of their suppliers. EC4 Hotel Limited and their PA, Wakefield Council, took steps to mitigate this with:

A new delivery concept seizing the opportunity to use less productive time and empty rooms.

Working together on procedures to provide COVID safe accommodation and facilities to support haulier drivers who tested positive for COVID following a Lateral Flow Test.

Specifically targets drivers who do not have a UK residence to self-isolate or access a confirmatory PCR test.

Supporting infected drivers and keeping communities safe from COVID spread.

See the Wakefield Metropolitan District Council & EC4 Hotel Video

Highly Commended

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service in Partnership with NatWest Group


The Wine and Spirit Trade Association primary authority partnership with Salford City Council on behalf of the Greater Manchester Regulatory Centre of Excellence and the Shared Regulatory Services of Bridgend, Cardiff, and the Vale of Glamorgan

Innovation and Technical

The winners developed novel or technical solutions that contributed to protecting consumers and supporting business.

Winner: Glint Media Ltd t/a Menu Guide and Milton Keynes Council

Menu Guide delivers an innovative technical solution to managing allergens. This new tool helps food businesses create, edit and share interactive allergen menus online 24/7, via a scannable QR code or website short link.

By providing a single digital reference point for allergen information, Menu Guide saves time, supports staff training, reduces errors, and minimises risk. It’s a cost-effective way to fulfil legal requirements, keep customers safe and ensure repeat business.

See the Glint Media Ltd t/a Menu Guide and Milton Keynes Council Video

Highly Commended

Elmbridge Borough Council Food Team (in Environmental Health)


Bartosz Machelski – SSE/OVE

Paul Brison – British Gas

Callum Sheen – E.ON

John Barden – EDF

Dave Wright – Npower

Product Safety

The winners all made a significant contribution to product safety.

Winner: The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association

The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association is the UK trade association for the cosmetics and personal care industry and has worked since the referendum result to prepare the industry for the impact of Brexit.

As the UK moved towards leaving the EU, much of 2020 was dedicated to ensuring the UK regulatory framework for cosmetics remains risk-based and science-led, ensuring consumer safety.

See the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association Video

Highly Commended

Electrical Safety First


Hillingdon Trading Standards

Outstanding Contribution to Local Communities

FareShare and the Royal Borough of Greenwich

An additional special award for Outstanding Contribution to Local Communities was given to the primary authority partnership between FareShare and the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

FareShare is the UK’s national network of charitable food redistributors, working with over 11,000 charities and community groups.  During Coronavirus, Fareshare was supported by its primary authority partnership to expand and vary its operations significantly to cater for the increased need for products from the charitable sector.

See the FareShare and the Royal Borough of Greenwich Video

Follow #RegEx2021 on Twitter to read more about the winners’ achievements.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jun 10, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow