Next steps announced for management of marine non-licensable activities in Studland Bay Marine Conservation Zone

Published By GOV.UK [English], Thu, Feb 18, 2021 6:00 AM

Approximately 500 responses were received through online surveys or by email, providing valuable information to inform the MMO’s decisions on management to ensure the necessary level of protection for the features of Studland Bay MCZ.

The MMO has reviewed all information received and are proposing the next steps for the management of Studland Bay MCZ:

For mooring, powerboating, sailing, diving and snorkelling, no further restrictions will be implemented at this stage.

For anchoring, management measures may be required to avoid negative impacts on the site. The MMO will be holding a series of stakeholder events in March 2021 to develop suitable management measures.

All stakeholders who responded to the Studland Bay MCZ call for evidence will be contacted about how they can participate in the planned engagement events. Stakeholder feedback from these events will be crucial for the MMO to develop an approach that ensures the necessary level of environmental protection while minimising impacts on people’s use of the sea. If you are interested in getting involved please contact to register your interest.

For more information about the MMO’s work in Studland Bay MCZ, including the draft assessment, a summary of the call for evidence and frequently asked questions, please visit the dedicated pages on GOV.UK.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Feb 18, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow