Newport employer rated top for staff mental health

Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, Jul 21, 2021 12:27 AM

The IPO, which currently employs around 1,500 staff, received the Gold Workplace Wellbeing award from mental health charity Mind in their latest workplace report. This saw the IPO coming first in the UK in the employer assessment section with a perfect 100% rating, and fifth in the UK overall.

Mind say that the Gold standard is given to:

employers who have successfully embedded mental health into their policies and practices, demonstrating a long-term and in-depth commitment to staff mental health.

According to Mind’s latest report, 87% of staff at the IPO said they felt consulted on how the organisation should be run and how to promote wellbeing. 90% said they encourage openness and discussion about mental health. A further 85% also said the organisation makes it possible to speak openly when experiencing mental health problems.

The award reflects the range of initiatives at the IPO to support the mental wellbeing of staff. These include a network of mental health first aiders, fully qualified staff counsellors and a dedicated wellbeing team. Talks and seminars are arranged regularly for employees by expert speakers on issues ranging from menopause to bowel health awareness. Staff are also supported to embrace local volunteering opportunities, working with organisations such as the Prince’s Trust.

The IPO say that engagement with staff is central to their objective of making it a brilliant place to work. The IPO’s Chief Executive Tim Moss said:

Our role is helping make the UK the most innovative and creative country in the world; one of the pillars of our strategy to do this is making the IPO a brilliant place to work and I’m delighted that the great work the team is doing is recognised through this award.

We believe in an inclusive workplace, one where everyone has the confidence to be themselves at work and feels supported with whatever challenges they might be facing, and the wealth of ideas and initiatives originating from our staff will remain central to creating this.

Recognising the work done by the IPO which led to the award, Jodie Swanbo, Workplace Wellbeing Lead Engagement Manager at Mind Cymru, said:

It inspires me to see how the IPO has taken such positive steps to support the mental health of its employees. In the last year, the coronavirus pandemic has affected all our lives; the way we work has fundamentally changed, whether that is working on the frontline or working at home. Employers like the IPO have faced, and continue to face, significant challenges in effectively supporting the wellbeing of their people in this new and uncertain context.

Despite the challenging times we have all had recently, staff at the IPO told us they feel listened to and that there is an open culture around mental health. I look forward to seeing how their approach to workplace wellbeing will continue to evolve.

Note to editors

The IPO is the official UK government body responsible for intellectual property rights including patents, designs, trade marks and copyright. It currently employs around 1,500 staff in a wide range of roles, ranging from analysts and architects through to service designers, user researchers, finance and HR specialists.

Information current vacancies at the IPO is at the following website: Intellectual Property Office (IPO) - VERCIDA. Opportunities include a number of apprenticeships each year.

The IPO was first accredited with the gold workplace wellbeing award by MIND in 2018. It has retained this following reassessment in 2021. The IPO was placed 5th overall out of 114 organisations included in MIND’s index this year, and came first in the employer assessment section.

The IPO works with a range of external organisations, including Investors in People (IIP), Business Disability Forum, MIND and Chwarae Teg, that offer feedback and help provide a workplace that is safe and inclusive for all.

The IPO’s published strategy 2018-21 sets out a range of measures with a goal of making the IPO a brilliant place to work. This forms part of the IPO’s overall strategy to make the UK the most innovative and creative country in the world.

The IPO is an executive agency of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jul 21, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow