New importers to register on new single customs platform

Published By GOV.UK [English], Mon, Jul 4, 2022 5:00 AM

The Customs Handling Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) is now receiving few new registrations ahead of closing for all import declarations on 30 September 2022. The system will stop accepting new registration requests from importers from 10am on 5 July 2022. Instead, they will need to register with the Customs Declaration Service to make their import declarations.

The Customs Declaration Service will replace CHIEF, representing a significant upgrade by providing businesses with a more user-friendly, streamlined system that offers greater functionality.

This marks the first step towards the government’s vision of a Single Trade Window, which will have considerable benefits for businesses through reduced form-filling, better data use across government and a smoother experience for users.

Carol Bristow, Director General for Borders and Trade at HMRC said:

The Customs Declaration Service is taking over from CHIEF after almost 30 years. The system will become the UK’s single customs platform allowing for all businesses to submit their customs documents digitally and safely.

It is straight forward for importers to register on the system and start making their import declarations as soon as possible.

There is plenty of guidance and support available for new importers who are registering on the Customs Declarations Service including a declarant checklist. There is also a free Trader Dress Rehearsal service so businesses can practise making declarations on the system. New importers can also use a customs agent or express operator to make their customs declarations on the Customs Declaration Service. If business don’t have a customs agent or an express operator, they can find a list on GOV.UK.

There is more information about using the Customs Declaration Service on GOV.UK.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jul 4, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow