Lesotho: call for bids for women’s civic education projects

Published By GOV.UK [English], Mon, Jul 25, 2022 1:53 PM


The British High Commission Maseru is inviting NGOs working with communities in Lesotho and established community-based organisations to bid for small grant funding of up to M100,000 for civic and voter education for women during September and October 2022.

These should be based in the following constituencies:



Thaba Putsoa




Mount Moorosi


Thaba Moea



Organisations bidding must have an existing link with communities in these constituencies and must be politically neutral.

The bidding process is competitive. Only the strongest bids will be selected.

The deadline for submitting bids is Sunday, 7 August 2022.

Selected projects will be informed by Monday, 15 August 2022 and implementing organisations will be required to attend a preparatory seminar. Successful organisations will also be required to obtain registration from the Independent Electoral Commission before confirmation of the grant.

Project activity should start in early September 2022 and all activity must be completed by 1 November 2022. Funding will be paid on completion of all activities and project reports.

Organisations bidding for funding, and their senior executives, must not have any links to, or affiliations with, registered political parties.


The projects should meet the following objective:

Increased voter participation, particularly participation of women, in constituencies identified as ‘low turn-out’ in the last (2017) election.

Female voters in low-turn-out constituencies have increased awareness of the issues of importance to women; improved knowledge of political party manifestos and candidate pledges relating to these issues; and better understanding of their role as informed voters and the importance of holding elected representatives to account.

Selection criteria

Bids will be judged on:

planned activities and likely impact

evidence that the bidding organisation has strong links with the target communities

value for money (including numbers of voters reached)

the capacity of the bidding organisation, including a track record of previous successful projects

proper presentation of project aims, activities and budget

A project bidding form can be obtained by emailing BHC[email protected]. Project forms must be returned to the British High Commission by Sunday, 7 August 2022.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jul 25, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow