Jubilee River weir set for repairs
Published By GOV.UK [English], Fri, Oct 16, 2020 8:13 AM
The Environment Agency is announcing repairs to one of the weirs on the Jubilee River. This man-made flood relief channel forms part of the Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme that reduces flood risk from the River Thames for local communities.
Maria Herlihy, Thames Area Operations Manager for the Environment Agency, said:
We carry out regular engineering surveys of all the structures we are responsible for. A recent inspection of Black Potts Weir, carried out by a dive team, found that part of the structure which provides protection against scouring – damage caused by water erosion – was showing the effects of this process itself.
The structure remains sound, but we need to restore it to prime condition now to prevent any further scouring occurring over the winter. To do this, we’ll be installing 1,000 tonnes of rock armour before the end of the year.
Site preparation will start on Monday 19 October, with work beginning on 2 November and continuing throughout December. While the work is underway, the Jubilee River will not operate as a flood relief channel. The Environment Agency is developing alternative arrangements to ensure people’s homes and businesses remain protected from flooding from the River Thames.
The Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme is also made up of numerous flood gates, walls and bunds, which are not affected by the planned repairs.
Maria Herlihy added:
It’s important we carry out the work on Black Potts weir sooner rather than later, to prevent any damage to the weir itself which could have a longer-term impact.
Our advice to anyone living in a flood risk area remains the same as always: sign up to our flood warning service, and have a flood plan in place.
Anyone can find out if their property is at risk of flooding, sign up for flood warnings, and find out how to prepare and get help during flooding on GOV.UK.
You can also find more information on the Jubilee River and the work on Black Potts Weir.
Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Oct 16, 2020. For more information subscribe and follow