Joint VMD and VPC open information day - 18 November (updated)
Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, Nov 18, 2020 4:12 AM
We have published a series of pre-recorded webinars for you to view at your leisure. We have also opened a Slido Q which will be available until the 20 November for your comments and questions.
We will publish our responses on 27 November.
As the open day is for all our stakeholders, it is not the intention to dive into the details which are only of most interest to Marketing Authorisation Holders and manufacturers of veterinary medicines relating to the UK and EU Transition. Instead, we will be holding a live dedicated information day in early December.
Veterinary Medicines Directorate presentations
Introduction by VMD CEO and Director of Authorisations
Pete Borriello, CEO, and Abi Seager, Director of Authorisations, give a brief welcome and their opening remarks.
Veterinary Medicines Regulations
Update on the Medicines and Medical Devices Bill and future UK veterinary medicines legislation.
Regulatory Opportunities
A look ahead to regulatory opportunities following the UK and EU Transition, including future authorisation routes with other regulatory jurisdictions.
Regulatory Science Strategy
Public consultation (until 31 January 2021) on our 10-year Regulatory Science Strategy.
New Scientific Advice procedure
Proposal for the new UK Scientific Advice procedure to replace that performed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which will no longer be valid for the GB market.
Contingency planning
Border readiness and contingency planning as we near the end of the Transition Period.
The impact of COVID-19
An overview of how the VMD and the veterinary medicines industry responded to the impact of Covid-19.
Veterinary Medicines Digital Services
An overview of the new enhanced Veterinary Medicines Digital Service.
International Strategy
An overview of our international vision, purpose, and strategic objectives – including examples of the activities we are undertaking to deliver these.
International activity
A summary of two of our international projects: the World Bank project in Ethiopia and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation project on Sub-Saharan Africa.
Clinical trials in the UK
Details of a training event to be held in 2021 on Animal Test Certificates.
Needlestick injuries
Advice on needlestick injuries in people exposed to veterinary medicines.
Bee products: adverse event reporting
How to tell us about any adverse event (side effect or product failure) seen after administering bee products.
Antimicrobial resistance
A summary of the recently published UK-VARSS Report for 2019.
Veterinary medicines residue surveillance
An overview of the UK surveillance programme for veterinary residues in domestically produced foodstuffs.
VMD bitesize presentations
A dog, a bitch and an endoscope: Canine Fertility
A bitesize overview of the work of our Enforcement Team are doing in relation to the growing number of canine fertility clinics in the UK.
Cannabidiol Oil
A bitesize overview on products presented for use in animals that contain Cannabidiol (CBD).
A bitesize look at the use, misuse and regulations of veterinary prescriptions.
Special Imports Scheme
A bitesize guide on how to ask questions about using the Special Import Scheme.
Medical Devices
A bitesize guide to medical devices for veterinary use.
The Veterinary Products Committee presentations
Chairman’s annual review of VPC activities
A summary of the VPC, its remit, members and recent activities.
Companion animal ectoparasiticides
A review of the VPC’s consideration of ectoparasiticide use in companion animal and its potential effect on the environment.
Using Slido to submit your questions and comments
To submit your questions and comments go to Slido and enter the event code 96607 for the ‘VMD/VPC Open Day’.
Using the Q tab, type the presentation title and your questions / comments and either leave your name or you can remain anonymous. You can also view other entries and ‘like’ these.
Using the Polls tab, please tell us about your overall experience of this years’ open day.
You can choose from: interesting and informative, satisfactory or could be improved. You are welcome to leave further comments in the Q tab.
Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Nov 18, 2020. For more information subscribe and follow