Inspection Report Published: An inspection into the effectiveness of Border Force’s role in Project Kraken at small seaports

Published By GOV.UK [English], Thu, Jan 27, 2022 7:22 AM

Publishing the report David Neal said:

I welcome the publication of this report, which examined the efficiency and effectiveness of Border Force’s role in Project Kraken, a longstanding multiagency initiative which aims to counter threats from serious and organised crime around the UK coastline. This inspection looked at two seaports to gain insight from local perspectives, and explored how Project Kraken intelligence is generated, collected and used by Border Force to prevent immigration or customs offences.

While I could not definitively conclude that Project Kraken is failing, I think it has some way to go in terms of meeting its objectives. I made one recommendation in this report, which I am pleased the Home Office has accepted. While I am encouraged to learn that work is already underway, I remain unconvinced that a further relaunch will be effective. I have therefore committed to conduct a comprehensive follow-up inspection no later than Spring 2023, and I will continue to track Border Force progress between now and then.

An inspection into the effectiveness of Border Force’s role in Project Kraken at small seaports

The Home Office responses to the Chief Inspector’s reports

David Neal

Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jan 27, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow