Geospatial Commission sets its 2021/22 priorities

Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, Jun 2, 2021 7:00 AM

The Geospatial Commission today publishes its annual plan 2021/22 and appoints Sir Bernard Silverman as its new chair.

One year after the launch of the UK’s Geospatial Strategy, the annual plan reflects on the widespread use of geospatial data for economic recovery and growth, helping meet net zero targets, underpinning the UK’s place as a leading global digital nation and fuelling the transition to a data-driven public sector.

The annual plan outlines progress made including:

invested £2million to tackle transport challenges across 28 projects

opened up direct, API access to location data to transform how location data is used to deliver public services

published the UK’s first Geospatial Data Market Study and Enhancing the UK’s Geospatial Ecosystem report

launched a public dialogue on location data ethics

It also sets out Geospatial Commission’s key priorities for the coming year:

commencing build of the National Underground Asset Register

improving data about land use through regional and national pilots

investing up to £4 million for phase 2 of the Transport Location Data Competition

delivering the public dialogue on location data ethics, to support public confidence in the use of geospatial data

Minister of State for the Cabinet Office, Lord True CBE said:

During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments, organisations and individuals have seen the immense value of location data in action. Location data continues to provide us with place-based insights that inform our response, and help deliver services that keep us safe. As we focus on economic recovery, the Geospatial Commission’s work is vital to meet the UK’s geospatial ambitions and unlock the power of geospatial data to support our economic, environmental and societal goals.

Chair of the Geospatial Commission, Sir Bernard Silverman, said:

I am delighted to be appointed chair of the Geospatial Commission and relish the opportunity to lead the development of its vision. In a rapidly advancing digital economy, location data is a huge and growing asset bringing immense value to many of our key sectors across the UK, helping shape and deliver our infrastructure and environmental goals and supporting better public service delivery, as well as facilitating many opportunities for both small and large businesses.

A key aspect of my work has always been how through better understanding and use of data our lives can be profoundly improved. I am looking forward to driving the UK’s geospatial agenda and helping to realise the huge potential offered by the many different kinds of location data.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jun 2, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow