Published By GOV.UK [English], Tue, May 18, 2021 7:03 AM

will measure radiation emitted by Earth into space, giving a high-resolution view of Earth’s greenhouse effect. measures across the Earth’s entire far-infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum which enables better climate prediction through improved modelling.

Key Facts:

UK has invested in the ESA Earth Observation Envelope Programme - ESA EOEP-4, EOEP-5, and FutureEO programmes.

is also a part of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Earth Explorer missions which focuses on the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and the Earth’s interior with the overall aim of learning more about the interactions between these components and the impact that human activity is having on natural Earth processes.

Contracts are expected to be signed in 2021 and the mission is due to launch in 2026.

Stakeholders: Dr Helen Brindley, from the Department of Physics at Imperial college London, helped to lead the science for and secure its selection by ESA. ESA. Airbus UK & RAL Space OR TAS UK (TBC).

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on May 18, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow