DVLA’s commitment to water efficiency receives UK-wide recognition

Published By GOV.UK [English], Tue, Aug 31, 2021 3:30 AM

DVLA has been recognised by the UK’s leading authority on water efficiency after introducing a range of measures to discourage water waste.

The agency has been awarded the Waterwise Checkmark after engaging with its staff to promote sustainable practices and reduce water waste at its Swansea site.

The Checkmark, which is awarded by Waterwise; the UK’s leading independent authority on water efficiency, highlights that a building or part of a building, has put in place technology, signage and engagement programmes to result in water efficient behaviours.

DVLA has a history of striving for water efficiency as it follows the Greening Government Commitments, which set out targets for central government and its agencies to make reductions in consumption and waste

The agency was recognised after introducing water-saving measures, including using aeration devices to reduce water flow from taps, putting up signs across its Morriston site to help staff reduce water waste, encouraging them to contact a helpdesk to easily report any leaks or issues, and using waterless urinals. There is also advanced monitoring of water use across the estate through sub meters and web-based software

Louise White, Director of Estates and Human Resources at DVLA, said:

We are extremely proud to receive the Checkmark, which recognises the commitment our teams have shown to becoming more water efficient through numerous internal projects.

At DVLA we are dedicated to reducing our environmental impact through modernising our services and estate, and we actively encourage our staff to participate in creating a more sustainable working environment.

We believe that sustainability begins with us, and as an agency, we will continue working towards improving water efficiency and maintaining sustainable practices throughout DVLA.

On DVLA’s award, Dr Nathan Richardson, Head of Policy and Strategy at Waterwise, said:

It was a pleasure to award the DVLA the Waterwise Checkmark. Their application was one of the strongest we have seen and included some excellent evidence of what is being done to save water from efficient kit to behavioural campaigns with staff at the office.

Notes to editors

DVLA was awarded in the office-based category and is among 33 businesses across the UK to receive the award, including Welsh Water and Natural Resources Wales.

The Waterwise Checkmark has been achieved as part of the DVLA’s Sustainability Plan for 2021/22, which demonstrates how the agency and its staff will maintain a sustainable working environment and embed sustainability into its day to day operations.

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Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Aug 31, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow