Civil news: opportunities for housing and debt and HPCDS work
Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, Jul 27, 2022 8:34 AM
Housing and debt tender
We are inviting tenders to deliver housing and debt contract work from 12 September 2022 until 31 August 2023 in the following procurement areas:
City of Kingston upon Hull
South east Wales
South Tyneside
The opportunity to deliver housing and debt services is open to any organisation that can meet the minimum tender requirements. An organisation does not need to be a current legal aid provider to tender for this opportunity.
Whilst we would like organisations to deliver work from 12 September 2022 where possible, organisations who are not able to can tender to start delivering work from a later date.
There is no limit to the number of contracts that can be awarded to deliver housing and debt services in a procurement area.
Applicants can bid to deliver housing and debt services in a procurement area through an office that is either a:
*permanent presence in the procurement area, or a
*part-time presence in the procurement area
HPCDS tender
We are also inviting tenders to deliver services in the following Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme (HPCDS) areas:
Services will start on 12 September until 30 September 2023, except for Wigan HPCDS which will start on 1 October 2022. Organisations who are not able to deliver work from that date can tender to start delivering work from a later date.
Organisations may bid for housing and debt contract work and/or HPCDS contract work through this procurement process. They are not required to bid for both housing and debt and HPCDS.
However, organisations bidding for an HPCDS contract must hold, or successfully bid for as part of this procurement process, a 2018 Standard Civil Contract. This needs to include authorisation in the housing and debt categories of law.
When awarding HPCDS contracts preference will be given to organisations:
*with recent and relevant experience of delivering HPCDS services
*with an office in the corresponding housing and debt procurement area
*able to start delivering work on the contract start date
The Legal Aid Agency (LAA) is seeking to award one contract for each of the HPCDS areas listed above.
How to apply
Tenders must be submitted using the LAA’s e-Tendering system.
Tender deadline
The tender opens on 27 July 2022 and closes at 5pm on 17 August 2022.
Further information
Civil tender activity 2021 – to find out more and download documents
e-Tendering system – to submit your tender
Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jul 27, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow