Civil news: launch of new excel escape case claim1 forms
Published By GOV.UK [English], Fri, Jun 24, 2022 5:00 AM
We have developed Excel versions of the EC Claim1 forms for providers to use when submitting escape case claims for controlled work matters.
The file format change will allow us to speed up the processing of your submission. But you will find that there is no change to the:
content and layout of the forms
level of information you need to provide
The new standard versions of each escape case claim form include merged cells. So, we are also uploading accessible versions without merged cells. This should assist people who may be using a screen reader.
Does this affect processing of work?
There are no changes to the way your work will be processed. Providers should continue to submit escape case claims in the usual way using the updated forms and relevant supporting documents. The previous Word-based versions of the form have been removed.
Mandatory to use new forms
Using the Excel escape case claim forms will be mandatory for submitting your claims for controlled work from 1 August 2022. We are asking providers to stop using the old Word forms as soon as possible.
Further information
Escape fee case claim forms
Escape cases electronic handbook – for guidance on making claims – email for advice on using Excel claim forms
Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jun 24, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow