Charges and fees for services provided by APHA

Published By GOV.UK [English], Thu, Aug 18, 2022 2:07 AM

In 2018 the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) committed to working towards achieving full cost recovery (FCR) for the statutory services it provides. As a result APHA are conducting a review of the current fees that it charges. Completing this work will reduce the under recovery of costs and reduce the burden on the public purse.

Planned Changes to Fees

Following detailed analysis, APHA and Defra Finance Teams have revised the fee schedule for 2 of the current chargeable services, Animal Gathering Orders and Defra Disinfectant Approval Scheme (an approval scheme administered on behalf of all 3 GB administrations), following the cost recovery principles of the Managing Public Money guidelines.

Details of the fee changes are provided in Schedule of Fees

These changes are due to come into force from 1 December 2022 and apply to fees charged under the Government approved disinfectant scheme and to anyone making an application for an Animal Gathering Order licence to hold a livestock gathering located in England. The coming into force date is subject to change, please check GOV.UK for the confirmed implementation date.

The Scottish and Welsh Government are also committed to changing fees in line with APHA and are working closely to introduce legislation simultaneously.

APHA also propose to review the fees charged for the following services:

Artificial Breeding Controls (ABC)

Animal By-Products (ABP)

Border Control Posts (BCP)

Convention on Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

Poultry Health Scheme (PHS)

Salmonella National Control Programme (NCP)

Schedule of Fees

Animal Gatherings Order

Fee Schedules for licensing certain animal gatherings. The table shows the proposed FCR fees (to be implemented in 2023) compared to the existing fees.


Existing Fees

FCR Fees

Market - Application - Basic Visit



Market - Application - with Additional Visit



Market - Re-approval - Basic Visit



Market - Re-approval - with Additional Visit



Market - Additional In-Year - 1 Visit



Show - Applications - Basic Visit



Show - Applications - Larger Show Visit



Show - Re-approval - No Visit



Show - Re-applications - with Visit – Low risk



Show - Re-applications - with Visit – Medium or high risk



Additional Veterinary Officer Time (per 15 minutes) ex travel



Veterinary Officer Travel Time (per 15 minutes)



Fee Schedules illustrating the impact of a phased increase in fees over 2 years, achieving FCR in 2023. The fees will be uplifted by 50% of the total increase in the first 12 months before moving to FCR.


Coming into force date

12 months following coming into force date

Market - Application - Basic Visit



Market - Application - with Additional Visit



Market - Re-approval - Basic Visit



Market - Re-approval - with Additional Visit



Market - Additional In-Year - 1 Visit



Show - Applications - Basic Visit



Show - Applications - Larger Show Visit



Show - Re-approval - No Visit



Show - Re-applications - with Visit – Low risk



Show - Re-applications - with Visit – Medium or high risk



Additional Veterinary Officer Time (per 15 minutes) ex travel



Veterinary Officer Travel Time (per 15 minutes)



Defra Disinfectant Approval Scheme

Fee Schedules for licensing certain animal gatherings. The table shows the proposed Full Cost Recovery (FCR) fees (to be implemented in 2023) compared to the existing fees.

Annual or New Application

Existing Fees

FCR Fees

Annual fee for manufacturers who have an approved product



Fee for an application for a new approval




Existing Fees

FCR Fees

Use in relation to diseases of poultry (if one dilution rate is specified by the person applying for the approval of the disinfectant)



Use in relation to diseases of poultry (if 3 dilution rates are specified by the person applying for the approval of the disinfectant)



Use in relation to tuberculosis (if one dilution rate is specified by the person applying for the approval of the disinfectant)



Use in relation to tuberculosis (if 3 dilution rates are specified by the person applying for the approval of the disinfectant)



Use in relation to foot-and-mouth disease



Use in relation to swine vesicular disease



Use in relation to all other instances where there is a legislative requirement to use an approved disinfectant (if one dilution rate is specified by the person applying for the approval of the disinfectant)



Use in relation to all other instances where there is a legislative requirement to use an approved disinfectant (if 3 dilution rates are specified by the person applying for the approval of the disinfectant)



Fee Schedules illustrating the impact of a phased increase in fees over 2 years, achieving FCR in 2023. The fees will be uplifted by 50% of the total increase in the first 12 months before moving to FCR.

Annual or New Application

Coming into force date

12 months following coming into force date

Annual fee for manufacturers who have an approved product



Fee for an application for a new approval




Coming into force date

12 months following coming into force date

Use in relation to diseases of poultry (if one dilution rate is specified by the person applying for the approval of the disinfectant)



Use in relation to diseases of poultry (if 3 dilution rates are specified by the person applying for the approval of the disinfectant)



Use in relation to tuberculosis (if one dilution rate is specified by the person applying for the approval of the disinfectant)



Use in relation to tuberculosis (if 3 dilution rates are specified by the person applying for the approval of the disinfectant)



Use in relation to foot-and-mouth disease



Use in relation to swine vesicular disease



Use in relation to all other instances where there is a legislative requirement to use an approved disinfectant (if one dilution rate is specified by the person applying for the approval of the disinfectant)



Use in relation to all other instances where there is a legislative requirement to use an approved disinfectant (if 3 dilution rates are specified by the person applying for the approval of the disinfectant)



If you have any queries, please email the mailbox.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Aug 18, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow