Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Egypt: Gareth Bayley

Published By GOV.UK [English], Tue, May 18, 2021 5:17 AM

Curriculum vitae

Full name: Gareth Bayley

Married to: Sara Fawcett MBE



2017 to 2021

FCDO, Director, South Asia and Afghanistan Directorate; Prime Minister’s Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan; Deputy Senior Responsible Owner, National Strategy Implementation Group South Asia

2014 to 2017

FCO, UK Special Representative for Syria


FCO, Additional Director, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Directorate

2011 to 2014

FCO, Deputy Head then Acting Head, Conflict Department

2010 to 2011

Princeton University, Mid-Career Fellow Public Policy

2009 to 2010

Office of the Quartet Representative, Chief of Staff to Quartet Representative

2008 to 2009

UK Mission to UN New York, Deputy Head – Political

2006 to 2008

UK Mission to UN New York, Head, Middle East / New Threats - Political

2005 to 2006

FCO, Deputy Head, Iraq Policy Unit

2004 to 2005

Baghdad, First Secretary – Political


Baghdad, Spokesperson, Coalition Provisional Authority

2002 to 2004

FCO, Deputy European Correspondent, Common Foreign and Security Policy Group


Kabul, First Secretary – Political

1998 to 2002

Cairo, Second Secretary – Political/Press

1996 to 1998

Full-time Language Training (Arabic)

1995 to 1996

FCO, Desk Officer, South Africa Team)


Joined FCO


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Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on May 18, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow