Call for EOI: Regulatory Review of Malaysia’s Competition Law on State-owned enterprises

Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, Sep 1, 2021 12:46 AM

With the goal of more open economies, this project aims to identify how the UK can partner with Malaysia on competition policy, especially on SOEs and eventually contribute to more open competition, trade and investment. The UK is committed to work together with governments, civil society, research-based organisations, academia, multilateral partners and the private sector to support this effort.


This Research Project will:

enhance understanding on the political-economic, regulatory and institutional challenges, gaps and opportunities in applying the Malaysian Competition Act 2010 (CA 2010) on SOEs across various sectors

identify existing and potential economic or trade tools that could be used to enhance the implementation of CA 2010 by SOEs and towards achieving competition neutrality

engage with various stakeholders (governments, regulators, businesses, multilaterals, civil societies etc.) to identify implementation gaps

identify key actors that shape the CA2010 as well as its implementation by SOEs

produce documents reporting on the findings of the project for the attention of the British High Commission Malaysia

organise at least two in-house webinars or policy dialogues to discuss the findings of this research

Application process

EOI needs to be delivered latest by 11.59pm (local Malaysia time), Wednesday, 15th September to:

Ms Adelene Teo, Economic Adviser

British High Commission Kuala Lumpur

Email: EOI must be submitted using the project proposal form above £10k (ODT, 73.5KB) and the activity based budget template (ODS, 10.4KB) only

see proposal guidance (ODT, 12.9KB) on writing project proposals

see terms of teference of the project (ODT, 21.7KB)

Assessment criteria

EOI will be assessed against the following criteria:

alignment with the above mentioned objectives, detailed in the Terms of Reference

outcomes are achievable within the funding period (by end of March 2022)

project design includes clear monitoring and evaluation procedures

risk and financial accountability procedures

the organisation’s safeguarding policies that ensure protection of beneficiaries

feasibility of project delivery under current circumstances (COVID restrictions)

overall value for money of the budget and delivery approach

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Sep 1, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow