Call for bids: Supporting ASEAN to address vaccine hesitancy

Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, Aug 4, 2021 6:20 AM

Immunisation is a key component of primary health care and an indisputable human right. Vaccines are critical to the prevention and control of infectious-disease outbreaks. In the time of COVID19 pandemic, vaccines are the best way to protect people and prevent the emergence of new variants.

As part of our commitment to global health security and vaccine equity for all and in recognition of the important partnership with ASEAN, the UK would like to work with civil society, research-based organisations and other not-for-profit stakeholders to expand vaccination coverage in ASEAN countries by addressing vaccine hesitancy among citizens.


Today every country in the world has a national Expanded Programmes on Immunisation (EPI). The addition of new vaccines to EPIs has increased the breadth of protection provided by immunisation, to include vaccinations for protection of older children, adolescents and adults.

Despite impressive achievements, the EPIs in some ASEAN countries face chronic challenges to reach communities with low immunisation rates. Most of these districts are in hard-to-reach and ethnic minority-populated areas.


The ultimate goal of this project is to increase vaccine confidence and vaccine uptake of vulnerable ethnic minority groups in remote areas, where the immunisation rates are lowest in ASEAN countries.

In reference to a theory of change, valid public health models and latest evidence in the region, the project will:

Rapidly identify and assess barriers that prevent ethnic minority communities in Vietnam and at least two other ASEAN countries from the confidence in and uptake of vaccines, including but not limited to COVID19 vaccines.

Implement innovative, feasible and soft public health interventions, without involving hardware investment (e.g. investment in infrastructure, facilities, equipment and the like) in those countries to overcome most impactful identified barriers and make transformational changes.

Provide a light touch evaluation of effectiveness and lessons learnt from the interventions.

Assessment criteria

Alignment with the above mentioned objectives and Official Development Assistance (ODA) eligibility;

Project design with clear outcomes and monitoring and evaluation procedures;

Feasibility of project delivery under COVID19 circumstances with some potential restrictions;

Outcomes achievable within the funding period (from beginning of October 2021 till the end February 2022);

Risk and financial accountability procedures;

Evidence of government support and engagement;

Value for money;


Gender and climate impacts (evidence of positive impacts or no harm);

Communication approach to raise visibility of the project in the recipient countries;

Track records of implementing organisations.


The budget for this project shall not exceed £120,000 (including management and administration costs, and any relevant local taxes).

Management and administrative costs shall not be more than 10% of the overall budget.

Expenditure shall adhere to rules set out in the existing donor (UK or UN-EU) cost norms in each host country.

Exchange rates if applied will be FCDO’s exchange rates.

Funding can only be granted to not-for-profit organisations.

Further information

Successful bidder will be notified during the week commencing 6th September 2021.

Project activities should be ready to start from October 2021 or as soon thereafter as the grant agreement has been signed.

Project must be completed by 28 February 2022.

Template of the agreement is attached below for your reference. Clauses in the grant agreement are non-negotiable. Please make sure that you are content with the terms before applying for this work.

How to submit proposals

Send your proposal using Project proposal form and Activity based budget (ABB) to nguyen[email protected] and by 12pm (local Hanoi time) on 26 August 2021.


Project proposal form (ODT, 61.8KB)

Activity based budget (ABB) template (ODS, 10.4KB)

Guidance for implementers - Proposal form (ODT, 15.3KB)

Guidance for implementers - ABB (ODT, 27.5KB)

Grant agreement template (ODT, 86.3KB)

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Aug 4, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow