Call for bids: Promoting societal links between Gaza and the West Bank

Published By GOV.UK [English], Fri, May 20, 2022 4:04 AM

The British Consulate General, Jerusalem (BCG) is accepting proposals for a three-year project (April 2022/ March 2025) under its Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF). The overall aim of the project is to build links between Gaza and the West Bank including through creative, tangible and sustainable joint initiatives. Gaza and the West Bank are becoming more and more divided not only politically, but also legislatively due to the introduction of laws which are only applied in Gaza or the West Bank and socially thanks to declining travel and contact between the West Bank and Gaza. The project will be worth up to £1m over three financial years FY 22/23- FY24/25.

Deadline for submitting applications: 15 June 2022.

1. Project Objective:

The project will help to forge links between different parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, links which would support future efforts to create a sovereign, independent, democratic and viable Palestinian State living in peace and security side by side with Israel based on 1967 borders (a two State Solution – 2SS, a key UK Government policy).

###2. The Scope of the Project

The chosen implementer will be expected to deliver a three-year project focussing on:

1) Building creative and sustainable links between West Bank and Gaza Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), incubators, universities or the private sector through joint initiatives which might include, but not be limited to:

Youth in Gaza and WB working on locally designed solutions to common environmental, economic, or social problems in the OPTs.

Improving awareness and respect for human rights, challenging human rights violations and designing lobbying initiatives;

Promoting trade initiatives between small to medium scale enterprises or cooperatives; awareness raising and training, on policy reforms to empower marginalized communities, those with disabilities, youth, and women;

2) Scope of joint initiatives should include:

Practical solutions and advocacy and lobbying aspects to tackle social, economic or domestic issues jointly between Gaza and the West Bank, including ideas for how to sustain these solutions in the medium/long-term.

Capacity building for targeted beneficiaries and CSOs; developing and supporting Palestinian organisations working across both the West Bank and Gaza, who are able to lead change effectively in their communities and eventually have a measurable impact on policy debate - particularly domestic - in the OPTs.

3) The winning bid will aim to implement the project activities through sub-contracting with CSOs or other Palestinian organisations. It is anticipated that the vast majority of the project’s funding will be spent with sub-implementing organisations.

We would welcome projects / initiatives that look to improve the inclusion and empowerment of women, PwDs and other minorities across the West Bank and Gaza.

3. Summary of requirements:

a) The call for bid is open to all types of organisations, including commercial, not for profit, international and local, partner government or multilateral. Any proposals from for-profit organisations for grant funding can only be considered if an officially registered non-profit making arm or division of the for-profit organisation will deliver the project.

b) Bidders should have presence and previous experience working in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs), with in-depth knowledge of the local context, including HMG political sensitivities.

c) Bidders should consider sub-contracting with local CSOs or private sector organisations, using appropriate selection criteria.

d) Technical know-how and organisational capacity to deliver such a project. Bidders should have previously received a direct fund of at least $200.000 for a one year spend.

e) Suppliers should pay particular attention to relevant UK legislation on aid divergence. All activities must be conducted in accordance with UK values, standards and HMG policy.

4. Required Submissions:

a) Bidders should submit the Project Proposal Form Template (MS Word Document, 73.6 KB) and the Activity Based Budget Template (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 27.2 KB) for the entire project period. We will not consider proposals submitted in other formats

b) Budget must be Activity Based Budgets (ABB), including monthly breakdown, of a maximum ceiling of £1m over three years divided as follow:

FY July 2023/March 2013: £0.2K

FY April 2023/ March2024 £0.4K

FY April 2024/ March2025 £0.4K

All costs should be listed in GBP (not ILS).

The budget should be detailed for the first year, and contain a general estimate of the costs for the following year(s).

c) Bidders are required to differentiate in the Annual Budget between their (a) Administrative Costs (e.g: general administration and support costs; office maintenance, repair and running costs; accountants, HR, and senior managers; other cross-cutting staff costs not directly attributable to a single project and are shared across the implementer’s business platform and any mandatory operational or legal costs incurred by an implementer in order to operate in a given location administrative staff salaries, office maintenance, repair and running costs), and (b) Project Costs which should include all project associated costs including implementing staff costs, travel, M costs.

d) Please explain clearly, what you have included in each category. Administrative costs must stay within the limit of 10% of the total project budget.

e) 2-pages CV or resume of key personnel who are proposed for the project

f) Official registration of the organization

g) 1- Page clarifying a clear plan for addressing any issues with engagement between sub-contractors as well as with the British Consulate, including a clear proposal for regular reporting and meetings.

5. Bidding process

a) Proposals should be sent to dalya[email protected] by 15 June 2022 OPTs Time. In subject line please indicate the name of the bidder and title of the bid ‘’Gaza & West Bank Linkages.’’ Proposals should not be more than 13 pages, with minimum font size 11. If you have not received a confirmation email within 24 hours, please get in touch with us. (we recommend limit the size of submissions to 10MB to avoid technical issues or send in two separated emails).

b) The British Consulate reserves the right to carry out due diligence of potential grantees as part of the selection process. Due to the volume of bids expected, we will not be able to provide feedback on unsuccessful bids.

6. Evaluation criteria

Successful bids must demonstrate strong strategic relevance to the project outcome and objective, and have a clear focus on delivering change and sustainability. Proposals will be evaluated against the following criteria:

a) Strategic fit to project objective – to what extent the proposal is clear, coherent, realistic and how appropriate is the work plan of activities in order to achieve expected results.

b) Quality of project – the strength of the Theory of Change, and the monitoring and evaluation framework.

c) Value for money – what measures (effectiveness, efficiency, economy and equity) have been optimized and how.

d) Expertise- Evidence of understanding of the context; ability to manage and deliver a successful project that includes dissemination activities and engagement across society, and an existing network of relevant connections. If staff members and sub-contractors possess sufficient knowledge and experience of the project area.

e) Gender-sensitive approach – If gender implications of the project have been identified and how the project will take account of gender-related differences; ensuring the project does no harm to any particular gender group or gender context.

f) Potential of scaling up and sustainability- how the project outcomes will continue to have impact beyond the lifetime of the project

g) Risk management – the extent to which the proposal identifies serious risks, together with a management strategy.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on May 20, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow