British Embassy in Argentina announces finalists of Falkland Islands Regional Student Competition 2022/2023

Published By GOV.UK [English], Thu, Sep 22, 2022 8:46 AM

The British Embassy in Argentina announces the 10 finalists from Argentina to the Regional Student Competition 2022/2023. The applicants answered the question “Why would I like to meet my neighbours in the Falkland Islands?” in a video.

The best 10 videos can be watched here:

Falklands Regional Student Competition 2022/2023 - YouTube

The winners of the competition will be announced shortly.

This regional competition, organised by the Falkland Islands Government and the British Embassies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay offers winners (one from each country) the chance to visit the Falklands for a week with all the costs covered. Winners will be staying with a local family, to experience first-hand the life in the Falkland Islands.

The contest is meant to promote the cultural exchange between the Falklands and the region, and to spread the knowledge about the Falkland Island and its people. This is the third time that this competition has been held in Argentina.

List of 10 finalists:

Luis Román Lier Faure

María Agustina Correa

Braian Espinoza Zalazar

Valentino Presutti

Guido Sancinetti

Pilar Barrera Oltra

Lucca Alessandro Scaravilli

Santino Facal

Antonella Gris

Emiliano Nahuel Lerza

In order to enter the competition, these participants presented student certificates issued by the following universities: Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Santa Fe), Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Tucumán), Universidad de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires city), Universidad Católica Argentina (Buenos Aires city), Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza), Universidad Nacional de Moreno (Buenos Aires province), Instituto Superior Lenguas Vivas (Misiones), Universidad de Congreso (Mendoza) and Universidad del CEMA (Buenos Aires city).

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Sep 22, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow