Belarus: UK imposes significant new package of economic sanctions on Belarus on anniversary of fraudulent election

Published By GOV.UK [English], Mon, Aug 9, 2021 5:11 AM

The UK has imposed a package of trade, financial and aviation sanctions on Belarus, in response to the continued undermining of democracy and human rights violations by the Lukashenko regime.

The US is also announcing new sanctions measures today, 9 August, one year on from the fraudulent election in Belarus.

These further sanctions follow designations that the UK imposed on 21 Jun 2021 in coordination with the US, Canada and EU, against 7 individuals and 1 entity from the Belarusian regime in response to the detention of journalist Roman Protasevich and Sofia Sapega following the unlawful diversion of Ryanair flight FR4978 in May 2021. The UK continues to call for the immediate release of Mr Protasevich, Ms Sapega and other political prisoners held in Belarus.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said:

The Lukashenko regime continues to crush democracy and violate human rights in Belarus. These sanctions demonstrate that the UK will not accept Lukashenko’s actions since the fraudulent election. The products of Lukashenko’s state-owned industries will not be sold in the UK, and our aerospace companies will not touch his fleet of luxury aircraft.

The package includes:

Aviation measures to prevent Belarusian air carriers from overflying or landing in the UK and a prohibition on the provision of technical assistance to President Lukashenko’s fleet of luxury aircraft.

Trade measures on potash, petroleum products, interception and monitoring goods and technology, goods used in cigarette manufacturing, and dual-use goods and technology to reduce the amount of revenue flowing to the Lukashenko regime and to limit its access to items that could enable the internal repression of the Belarusian population.

Financial measures prohibiting purchases of transferable securities and money-market instruments issued by the Belarusian state, as well as those issued by state-owned banks, and the provision of loans.

This comprehensive response will also include prohibitions on the provision of insurance and reinsurance to Belarusian state bodies, and changes to the UK Government’s policy to further tighten the existing arms embargo.

The UK is also today designating Mikhail Gutseriev, a prominent Russian businessman who is one of the main private investors in Belarus and a longstanding associate of Alexander Lukashenko. Gutseriev has provided support for the Government of Belarus, including through use of his business interests.

These measures represent a significant additional step in bringing pressure to bear on the Lukashenko regime. They are carefully targeted to build pressure on Lukashenko, state institutions and those around him to change behaviour, while minimising, as far as possible, any unintended consequences on the wider population in Belarus.

These sanctions measures have been put in place via an amendment to the Republic of Belarus (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019.


The measure on aviation-related technical assistance applies in relation to the following designated persons:

Alexander Lukashenko

Viktor Lukashenko

Igor Sergeenko

Ivan Tertel

Viktor Khrenin

Natalia Eismont

Ivan Kubrakov

Mikhail Gutseriev

We are amending the statutory guidance for the sanctions regime to state that HMG considers that as of 9th August 2021 technical assistance relating to the following aircraft would be for the benefit of the relevant designated persons:

Gulfstream G550 - Registration number: EW-001PJ

Boeing 767-300 - Registration number: EW-001PB

Boeing 737-800 - Registration number: EW-001PA

Mil Mi-8 helicopter - Registration number: EW-002DA

Mil Mi-8 helicopter - Registration number: EW-001DA

AgustaWestland AW-139 helicopter - Registration number: EW-001PH

Embraer ERJ-135BJ Legacy - Registration number: P4-MSG

Bombardier BD-700 1A10 Global Express XRS - Registration number: P4-GMS

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Aug 9, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow