Australia: How digitisation has impacted society event

Published By GOV.UK [English], Sun, Feb 13, 2022 11:04 PM

As we race toward a new metaverse fusing science, futurism and culture, The University of Queensland and the UK Government’s Science and Innovation Network will come together on 23 February 2022 to contemplate the direction humanity will take.

Are you enthusiastic about AI driving your car? Robots teaching you languages and setting up your Instagram account? Or algorithms using your data to deliver medicine into your blood, without asking? Then this forum is for you!

The Digital Society showcase, ‘How digitisation has impacted society’, is part of an annual UK/Australia Season that explores and celebrates the relationship between Australia and the UK across the arts, creative industries, and higher education.

It is an opportunity to look at who we might be in the future in the face of global challenges.

British High Commissioner to Australia, Vicki Treadell said:

The UK/Australia Season has been an extraordinary series on the arts, creative industries and higher education. This cultural exchange is a symbol of the depth of our two societies, and a celebration of our strong ties.

This event is a great example of the UK working with partners like the University of Queensland to promote research and development in the digital space. The British Government is world leading on innovation, and committed to investment in the scientific and technology sectors. We’re investing in businesses, institutions and individuals to think creatively and originally.

Professor Heather Zwicker, Executive Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Queensland said:

With technology driving so much of everyday life, the digital society impacts all of us regardless of how we feel about it. So coming together to discuss it is important.

Here at UQ, we are honoured to be partnering with the UK’s Science and Innovation Network to bring the answers and maybe some more questions to who we are now – and most importantly – who we might become.

I look forward to joining you all virtually for this important and lively event.

This online event will be far from traditional! Wherever you are around the world, encourage your friends and family to join us for this thought-provoking and inspiring event as leading experts argue ‘digitisation is reshaping humanity for the better’.

Vote for the winners and stay with us to see which team will be announced as the “people’s choice”.

Event details

Date: Wednesday 23 February 2022

Part A: Welcome and Panel Discussions

Brisbane time: 4-6pm AEST Melbourne time: 5-7pm AEDT London time: 6-8am GMT

Part B: Keynote and the Great Debate!

Brisbane time: 6-8pm AEST Melbourne time: 7-9pm AEDT London time: 8-10am GMT

Register to attend here

This annual initiative is led by the British Council and Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The UK/Australia Season events are intended to strengthen and build cultural connections and celebrate the best of our arts and cultural life, with points of connection and collaboration around our shared successes.


Amelia McNair, Communications Officer P: 0416 645 857, Email: amelia[email protected]

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Feb 13, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow