UK Firm Aims To Protect Professionals From Injuries Associated To Challenging Behaviour

Published By Pressat [English], Tue, Jun 14, 2022 8:23 AM

UK’s protective clothing manufacturer BitePRO® keeps raising awareness for the risk of injury as a direct result of dealing with challenging behaviour.

Challenging behaviour is often seen in people with health problems that affect communication and the brain, such as learning disabilities, autism, or dementia.

Such behaviour can include verbal aggression, physical aggression, self-harm and destructiveness.

In the context of challenging behaviour there are specific behaviours that are likely to cause injury to others or oneself, the most common being are biting, scratching, pinching, kicking, punching, hair pulling and head banging.

BitePRO CEO Robert Kaiser states: “This is a genuine risk for many professionals around the world, and unfortunately there seems to be limited support, knowledge, or guidance on the subject. Many of those professionals may even believe that this is a part of the job.”

According to the company’s recent survey, particular professionals have been identified to be at high risk. Many healthcare and education professionals, carers and psychiatric social workers confirmed they had experience of dealing with biting, scratching or pinching behaviour in the workplace, and 89% had personally experienced such type of injury as part of their role.

A free download of the company’s highly informative survey report is available online.

Several news reports recently have highlighted that too many professionals within these sectors have had their careers ended prematurely and their lives ruined as a result of violent incidents at work causing significant long-term physical and psychological injuries, including stress, anxiety and depression.

British firm BitePRO claim that 83% of their survey participants confirmed the number of injuries had been reduced since wearing their specially designed scratch, pinch and bite resistant clothing.

The firm is currently working in additional garment designs to further help protect frontline professionals. Please visit the company’s online shop: or email

BitePRO is an international firm specialised in the design and supply of scratch, pinch and bite resistant clothing and arm guards, offering wearable protection from injuries associated with dealing with challenging behaviour.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Pressat, on Jun 14, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow

Alison Lancaster

[email protected]