Published By Pressat [English], Thu, Jul 28, 2022 12:00 AM

The unwelcome news that the energy cap is to rise to over £3850 later this year is going to significantly affect those on fixed and low incomes including older people, disabled people and those who are chronically ill.

In France, the government capped energy price increases at 4% and it is expected that this measure will be extended into next year. This decisive action is precisely what the UK Government should have taken in order to keep people safe.

A combination of per unit price increases and the unprecedented hikes in the standing charge will leave people in the cold and dark this winter. It isn’t an overstatement to say that those who already struggle will be put in danger and are at risk of severe harm or freezing to death. The highest price this winter will be paid by those with the least.

The UK government and the UK’s ever-somnolent energy regulator OFGEM have been asleep at the wheel and what little support offered thus-far has been nowhere near enough to make any meaningful difference.

We join a chorus of other non-profit organisations calling on the UK government to introduce the measures detailed in the Commons Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee’s report published on Tuesday 26th June.

Failure to act swiftly and decisively will result in the darkest of winters in living memory for many.

Welfare Scotland is a non-profit organisation which lobbies the UK and Scottish Government’s to deliver real and meaningful reform of the social security system to better meet the needs of disabled people and those who are chronically ill. In addition to this, Welfare Scotland provides a range of advice and support services primarily to disabled people, people who are chronically ill and those who support them.

The Welfare Scotland board consists of five members, all of whom are disabled.

Queries from the press should be directed to It should be noted that Darren has autism and he requires questions to be submitted via email rather than on the telephone.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Pressat, on Jul 28, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow

Alison Lancaster

[email protected]