Kandu Arts Opens the Social Hub of Positivity S.H.O.P

Published By Pressat [English], Thu, Apr 8, 2021 1:50 AM

Thanks to Eagle One, the company that manages Emery Gate shopping Centre in Chippenham, the Community Organisation Kandu Arts, which has been operating for 23 years will very soon be opening their S.H.O.P - Social Hub of Positivity.

Eagle One kindly asked Kandu Arts if they could use the Unit as a resource in their work supporting the community while it stood unoccupied.

Unit 3 in Emery Gate is a constantly evolving multi-purpose community hub supporting everyones wellbeing and mental health, where art, music, crafts, film, talks, information and much ,much more will be shared.

A stroll through Emery Gate is already brightened by the beautiful window display of banners about Kandu’s work in engaging the community (especially young people, using mentoring and creativity) and fantastic seasonal features created by Wiltshire Wood Recycling and additional decoration with items and materials from Wilshire Scrap Store.

Inside the shop – Made by Rosey T will be making and selling her recycled material clothing designs.

Artist in residence Alex Walker will be painting, live, alongside an exhibition of her work, and art donated to Kandu’s Safe and Sounds Refugee project will be on display and exhibitions and artists will be ever changing. Watch out for the likes of Mary Qwamby’s glass work, Rachel Melody’s paintings, Tammy Farrow’s drawings and many more.

20th Anniversary CD’s featuring Mel C, and music by the Kickin Sistas and Wooley Warrior are on sale as well as DVDs of Kandu’s Film Bash Street.

Beautiful locally produced craft items – cards, flowerpots etc will be on sale and delicious apple juice produced from Kandu’s own allotment fruit.

In the basement, Riverbank studios will be delivering music lessons and workshops and in the main area eventually when we are COVID free there will be opportunity to see films, music and participate in workshops.

Local community services will have information points and other sustainable businesses and ventures will have some of their items available.

Why not pop down and have a look. For more information see Kandu Arts facebook and view all the open mics and podcasts that have carried on throughout lockdown. Or call 01249 444009 for more information.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Pressat, on Apr 8, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow

Alison Lancaster

[email protected]