Endineering. Book launch. 8th Nov.

Published By Pressat [English], Tue, Oct 26, 2021 1:00 PM

Disruptive new book deals a plot twist on consumer experience and the environment.

Disruptive new book deals a plot twist on consumer experience and the environment.

Endineering, tells its readers that we are missing a big issue, hiding in plane sight - how we design consumer endings.

The book reveals that consumerism has 4 fundamental problems at the end of the consumer experience. In this gap the failures of consumerism are piled high: hoarding, pollution, unwanted pictures on social media, risks to security, mis-sold financial products and many aspects of climate change. They linger unchallenged at the end of the consumer lifecycle, alongside missed tactical and strategic business opportunities.

The Endineering book shows how to mitigate the issues, reveal new opportunities, and design for better consumer endings. A mixture of stories, interviews, new tools, and methods, will enable readers in policy-making, business, and product creation to gain a new approach to tackling issues in consumerism.

This is a HOW TO book about endings - a textbook of consumer off-boarding experiences.

Joe Macleod is the founder of the world's first customer-ending business - AndEnd.

A veteran of the product development industry with decades of experience across service, digital and product sectors. Author of the Ends book (published 2017), that iFixIt called the best book about consumer e-waste.

Head of Endineering at AndEnd. TEDx Speaker. Wired says “An energetic Englishman, Macleod advises companies on how to game out their endgames. Every product faces a cycle of endings, from breakage to customer burnout to falling behind consumption trends. It’s important to plan for each of them. Not all companies do.”

Macleod also trains individuals and businesses how to become Endineers. Businesses including – Intuit, Spotify, Logitech, Swedbank, Ellen Macarthur Foundation have all completed the Endineering training.

Macleod has talked all over the world about the issue of endings with companies including – PayPal, Arup, Facebook, Just Eat, Google Deepmind, PepsiCo, Ikea, Huawei, Net-a-Porter, Telia, Arrival, JP Morgan, and Microsoft.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Pressat, on Oct 26, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow

Alison Lancaster

[email protected]