Digital Inclusion Grant 2021 For UK Education - Winners Announced

Published By Pressat [English], Wed, Jul 14, 2021 6:54 AM

The Digital Inclusion Grant promotes merit in technical education by recognising schools who are putting an extra focus on digital inclusivity project

LONDON, UK —Kajeet UK Ltd is pleased to announce the 5 selected grant recipients of the 2021 Digital Inclusion Grant.

Grant recipients 2021 “For their dedication and ongoing work to close the digital divide within education”

The Digital Inclusion Grant promotes merit in technical education by recognising schools who are putting an extra focus on digital inclusivity projects to work towards digital equality at their schools.

Broadband internet is no longer a luxury, but an essential onramp to education, jobs and access to essential services. 9% of students in the UK lack internet access at home, yet nearly all homework requires online access, and students with internet access at home are 6-8% more likely to graduate from high school.

The lockdowns during the pandemic have highlighted this issue in a much stronger light. Two of the grant winners commented on the impact the pandemic has had on their student performance.

“ The National Lockdowns when schools were partially closed, really highlighted the disparity between learners who had digital technology to engage with remote learning and those without. Inevitably, the Kajeet devices will enable learners to engage with both remote learning, independent learning and to demonstrate resilience. This will develop the character of the child and help them become excellent global citizens in a digital age.”

“I wanted to promote digital inclusivity at Capital City Academy, specifically to the students who have suffered due to school closure because of COVID-19 lockdown measures. I am really grateful to Kajeet UK for this grant as this will assist our students here at Capital City Academy with reliable Internet Connectivity which will support their Online Learning.”

Grant recipients serve as inspirational leaders within the UK educational system for their work to bridge the digital divide amongst students and level the playing field.

The winning schools will receive unlimited filtered connectivity for their students for a period of 6 months to support their work towards promoting digital inclusivity at their schools.

Comments were also made by the Kings Langley School from head teacher David Fisher

Also Michelle Gale – Health and Social Care teacher at John Leggott College commented on the grant win

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Kajeet has worked in US schools enabling more than 500,000 pupils to access the internet out of school in a safe, reliable and controlled way for more than a decade.

For more information about the Kajeet UK and the Digital Inclusion Grant, please visit

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Pressat, on Jul 14, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow

Alison Lancaster

[email protected]