Anne Keatley-Clarke retires as CEO of the Children’s Heart Federation after 17 years

Published By Pressat [English], Mon, Aug 1, 2022 9:15 AM

After spending 17 years of dedication to the Children’s Heart Federation (CHF) and children with congenital or acquired heart conditions, Chief Executive Officer Anne Keatley-Clarke is retiring and will be enjoying some much-earned time with her family and friends.

CHF has benefitted from Anne’s expertise and determination over the last 17 years during which time she is proud to have represented the views of many parents leading to improvements in the outcomes for and care of children with congenital heart disease.

Anne explained about the most rewarding aspects of her role as CEO since taking on the position in 2005.

“Foremost is seeing the extraordinary medical advancements in children with heart conditions; for example, a child who previously would not have been expected to live beyond the age of ten years old, may now go on to have children of their own.

“It has also been a huge privilege to hear the stories shared by parents and carers, these have been used to support our lobbying to make changes to national policy. Parents have shared with us often very tough, heart wrenching stories but these allowed us to make a significant difference.

“Finally, my feelings are of pride in seeing confidence grow in the parents and carers we support giving them the ability to have a voice in their children’s care.”

Chair of trustees, Julie Wootton expressed her thanks to Anne.

“Anne has always been great to work with. She has maintained her drive and enthusiasm for children with heart disease unwaveringly. On a personal level, I can’t thank her enough. I feel we have formed a very good relationship between us and Richard Preedy, our treasurer; these things are vital.

Anne will be missed by us and within the groups and committees where she has had so much influence. We are also fortunate that Anne has agreed to remain with us on a short-term consultancy to mentor Rajwant Kaur-Singh, the new CEO, and bring her insights to the cardiac world.”

CHF is the leading UK children’s heart charity and works with individuals and organizations concerned with children and young people with health and educational needs due to acquired or congenital heart conditions.

CHF was registered with the Charity Commission in 1988 and is administered and managed by a board of trustees.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Pressat, on Aug 1, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow

Alison Lancaster

[email protected]