Results of the joint CoR-OECD survey on "The impact of COVID-19 on EU regional and local governments"

Published By Europa [English], Wed, Nov 18, 2020 6:00 PM

​The global COVID-19 pandemic and the socio-economic crisis it has engendered have a strong territorial dimension with a profound impact on subnational governments. To better understand and assess it, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the CoR joined forces to carry out an online survey on "The impact of COVID-19 on regional and local governments: governance, finance and recovery plans". It gathered 300 responses from representatives of regional, intermediate, and municipal governments in 24 Member States of the EU.

The resul​​​ts of this survey were presented during the ECON Commission meeting on 19 November 2020 and are available below:

Survey results: Main findings (short version, available in all languages)

Some highlights from the survey:

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Europa, on Nov 18, 2020. For more information subscribe and follow

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