REGHUB 2.0 officially launched!

Published By Europa [English], Wed, Mar 3, 2021 6:00 PM

On 3 March 2021, we launched a new generation of Regional Hubs. They will monitor the implementation of EU policies on the ground and make sure the voice of hundreds of regional and local stakeholders is taken into account when these policies are evaluated.

Apostolos Tzitzikostas , President of the European Committee of the Regions, said: "I warmly welcome the new generation of Regional Hubs. RegHub's contact points have proven to be uniquely efficient in bridging the consultation gap between Brussels and our regions. They get feedback directly from those who experience every day the impact of EU policies on people's lives and they can offer to the European Commission invaluable information and input on how to increase their effectiveness. For example, thanks to our contact points, the Commission will be able to enrich its evaluation of the cross-border healthcare Directives by learning about the experience of regional hospitals' staff from Eastern Slovenia to Alentejo."

European Commission’s Vice-President for Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight, Maroš Šefčovič, who opened the launch event said: "I am delighted to welcome RegHub 2.0 into the new Fit for Future Platform, designed to simplify and modernise EU laws, while cutting red tape. Regional and local authorities will play a key role, given their unique perspective of those most directly affected. Their input on issues relating to the planning and permitting of 21st century infrastructure will be of particular importance. As we seek to kick-start Europe’s economy by investing into green, digital but also medical infrastructure, this can have a real impact on the ground."

Michael Murphy (IE/EPP), Member of Tipperary County Council and Chair of the CoR commission for Economic Policy (ECON), said: "Since its creation two years ago, RegHub has been managed by the ECON commission, which I am chairing. I am more than pleased to see the launch of RegHub 2.0 and what the network has achieved so far. Today's discussions confirm that better regulation and evidence-based policymaking should not just be buzz words from the Brussels bubble. They should be at the heart of Europe's rules and take into account our cities' and regions' experience. I am glad to be able to contribute to this effort and I look forward to the work ahead in the coming months to help in achieving this goal."

​Mark Speich (DE/EPP), Secretary of State for Federal, European and International Affairs for the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia – one of the participating regions in the RegHub 2.0 network - and chair of the CoR commission on Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External Affairs (CIVEX) stated: "The consultations of the RegHub Network provide citizens and companies, especially SMEs and public services, with the opportunity to bring in their experiences to the implementation of EU legislation. This also means that the network gives a stronger voice to citizens and economic actors at EU level. Now, the RegHub network is given formal recognition as part of the Fit for Future Platform of the European Commission. As a consequence, not only the RegHub network but all citizens and economic actors will have more direct influence and impact on European legislation. At the same time, the RegHub consultations will strengthen and enlarge the evidence base of the Platform's opinions.”

The new hubs include 46 members, 10 observers and 1 associated body. RegHub is also an established sub-group of the European Commission's Fit for Future Platform .

The recorded YouTube event is available here: Political Launch of RegHub 2.0 - YouTube

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Europa, on Mar 3, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow

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