Press release - UK and EU27 citizens in the UK to remain part of EP Communication programmes

Published By Europa [English], Tue, Jan 19, 2021 2:33 AM

Following its decision in February 2019 to maintain the European Parliament’s presence in the UK, notably through its London Office, the Bureau of the Parliament (President Sassoli and Vice-Presidents) agreed last night to adapt its communication programmes to ensure that UK citizens, in particular the younger generation and the millions of EU27 citizens residing in the country, are still able to participate.

Opinion multiplier groups, youth groups and organisations will be able to participate in debates and events offered by the European Parliament like the European Youth Event, which brings together thousands of young Europeans every two years in Strasbourg and online (8000 young people took part in the 2018 event). UK schools will also be able to participate in Euroscola, an immersive experience that takes place in the Chamber of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, allowing secondary school students to learn about European integration by experiencing it first-hand. British schools can also take part in the European Parliament Ambassador Schools Programme.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Europa, on Jan 19, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow

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