Press release - Press Conference by EP President Sassoli on EU summit and COVID-19

Published By Europa [English], Wed, Feb 24, 2021 8:08 AM

Where: EP Press room and via Interactio

President David Sassoli is set to convey Parliament’s position and answer journalists’ questions regarding the EU’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly on the production and rollout of vaccines as well as on lessons learnt from the pandemic. He will also comment on the European Security and Defence Policy and EU relations with the Southern Neighbourhood.

Interpretation will be available at the press conference in Italian, English, French and German.

Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link.

You can also follow it live from 15.30 CET via Parliament’s webstreaming and EbS.

Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

Interactio is only supported on iPad (with the Safari browser) and Mac/Windows (with the Google Chrome browser).

When connecting, enter your name and the media you are representing in the first name / last name fields.

For better sound quality, use headphones and a microphone. Interpretation is only possible for interventions with video.

Journalists are asked to connect a few minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. Technical assistance can be provided if necessary via the chat box.

For more details, check the connection guidelines and recommendations for remote speakers.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Europa, on Feb 24, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow

Eric Mamer

Chief Spokesperson
[email protected]
+32 2 299 40 73

Dana Spinant

Deputy Chief Spokesperson
[email protected]
+32 2 299 01 50

Elisaveta Dimitrova

Head of Unit
[email protected]
+32 2 295 88 38

Johannes Bahrke

Coordinating Spokesperson
[email protected]
+32 2 295 86 15

Vivian Loonela

Coordinating Spokesperson
[email protected]
+32 2 296 67 12