Not just green and digital: The Future of Europe must also be more democratic, Civil Society Days conclude

Published By Europa [English], Fri, Mar 5, 2021 10:10 AM

Reconstruction after the pandemic must be an opportunity to rebuild Europe on a new foundation of democratic participation. It would be a huge mistake if the fate and future of so many were to be decided by so few, the EESC 2021 Civil Society Days heard.

The EESC Civil Society Days ended today after five days of interactive online debates which saw the participation of over 1 400 people, with viewers connecting from as far afield as Africa, Asia, North and South America.

Speakers saw a silver lining in the pandemic since, while forcing to put off the Conference on the future of Europe, it had brought to the fore civil society organisations as the mainstay of governments struggling to cope with a massive crisis. What better proof was needed, they asked, that civil society deserved a seat at the table that will decide the future of Europe?

"I am happy about the importance that the Commission attaches to citizen's involvement the Conference on the Future of Europe" said EESC President Christa Schweng. "The Conference on the future of Europe is a great chance to connect with citizens and the ones who are active in civil society organisations", she went on. "You can count on the Committee to bring a substantial contribution to the debates by involving workers, employers and organised civil society, by being multipliers and ambassadors and bringing the debate into our members' organisations."

Reflecting the leading role played by young people organisations in the workshops, Brikena Xhomaqi, co-chair of the Liaison Group which co-organised the event, closed the event saying: "I invite everyone to make intergenerational solidarity our currency for s sustainable recovery for the future of Europe."

The conclusions of the eight workshops held over the last four days traced a path for a better future for Europe's citizens as seen by the wealth of civil society organisations represented at the conference.

Key conclusions stressed, among others, the need to:

The full conclusions of the Civil Society Days will soon be published on the EESC's website.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Europa, on Mar 5, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow

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