Newly elected chair Emil Boc makes efficient use of EU budget and cohesion funds a top priority of the COTER commission works
Published By Europa [English], Wed, Sep 28, 2022 6:00 PM
Emil Boc, Mayor of Cluj-Napoca and former Prime Minister of Romania, was elected chair of the European Committee of the Regions' Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget (COTER). His mandate will last two and a half years.
(RO/EPP)has been a member of the CoR since 2019 and was rapporteur of many opinions on topics related to education, such as the European Education Area , the European Strategy for Universities , and how the EU is addressing the brain drain challenge . In his new role as chair of the COTER commission, Mr Boc will focus his political activity on the use of the EU budget and cohesion funds, the decarbonisation of transports and the start of a forward-looking reflection to secure a strong and efficient cohesion policy also in the future.
Emil Boc commented on his election saying: " As COTER chair, one of my biggest priorities is to make sure that we will have an efficient, sustainable and qualitative implementation of the current cohesion programmes, and a strong cohesion policy in the future. We will dedicate a lot of attention to the upcoming debates. I will soon meet the EU Commissioner for cohesion policy and reforms, Elisa Ferreira, to discuss our Joint Action Plan : we have to work closely with the Commission to provide the necessary support for local and regional authorities and speed up the implementation. I want to ensure that our work in COTER and as an institution has a real impact in our territories, and that no region is left behind, no matter the size, demographic or geographic challenges. We must work together with all EU institutions to ensure that the voice of cities and regions, and our citizens is heard. Cohesion is not a technicality but a political principle, it is the glue that keeps Europe united. The democratic future of Europe depends on the future of cohesion policy. In these difficult moments in particular, we need cohesion and solidarity to be able to properly and efficiently respond to our citizen's needs ."
CoR President Vasco Alves Cordeiro congratulated Mr Boc for his election saying: " Emil Boc becomes chair of the Committee of the Regions' Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget at a crucial time for regions and cities and the European Union as a whole. The consequences of Russia's war against Ukraine, the energy crisis, and the ongoing recovery from the pandemic give cohesion policy an even stronger role to keep the EU together. Mr Boc's experience will help the Committee to be more vocal for a stronger cohesion policy."
The COTER commission closely follows cohesion-policy-related files, the EU Budget, as well as transport policy, territorial development, cross-border cooperation and urban matters.
Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Europa, on Sep 28, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow