EASO Training and Professional Development: Rising to the challenge

Published By Europa [English], Wed, Oct 13, 2021 9:03 AM

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) has recorded another increase in the implementation of EASO training.

When comparing data with the same period last year, we had a pleasant surprise. Not only have the number of sessions risen, they have risen substantially: by more than 12%. This shows that EASO’s strategy for overcoming Covid-19 restrictions has worked.

Last year, as soon as we realised that our training for asylum and reception officials would be impacted by restrictions on face-to-face meetings, we went virtual, and it has been a huge success. Already this year we have enrolled 4908 individuals to 549 training sessions - a grand total of 7386 participations. This compares with a total of 3945 individuals enrolled to 491 sessions (6961 participations) for the first 3 quarters of 2020.

Today, EASO published the web summary of the EASO Annual Training Report, including interactive features allowing readers to filter data on training in a user- friendly way.

For the first time, through the web summary, readers will be able to easily get an overview of the main content of the report and find out more on what was achieved throughout the year by the EASO Training and Professional Development Centre. It includes interactive figures allowing readers to choose specific data in the charts.

Readers can also find out the story behind the numbers by exploring specific themes highlighting important areas of EASO’s training activities. For example, the summary illustrates that despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, EASO was able to rapidly respond by providing virtual solutions to maintain high levels of training and achieve high levels of satisfaction.

The summary also provides information about some of the main developments in EASO training such as how EASO is restructuring the EASO Training Curriculum and developing assessments in preparation for the incremental roll-out of certified training which will kick-off in Quarter 4 of 2021.

Last but not least, the summary includes links indicating how EASO training is supporting capacity building as part of EASO’s operational support.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Europa, on Oct 13, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow

Eric Mamer

Chief Spokesperson
[email protected]
+32 2 299 40 73

Dana Spinant

Deputy Chief Spokesperson
[email protected]
+32 2 299 01 50

Elisaveta Dimitrova

Head of Unit
[email protected]
+32 2 295 88 38

Johannes Bahrke

Coordinating Spokesperson
[email protected]
+32 2 295 86 15

Vivian Loonela

Coordinating Spokesperson
[email protected]
+32 2 296 67 12