UK: Home Office making people homeless 'is cruel and must stop'

Published By Amnesty International UK [English], Tue, Apr 27, 2021 5:55 AM

In response to the Home Office making the decision to begin the process to evict some asylum seekers ‘with immediate effect’, Steve Valdez-Symonds, Refugee and Migrants Director at Amnesty International UK, said:

“The Home Office should not be making people homeless – it is cruel.

“To evict vulnerable people during a pandemic beggars belief and it shows an appalling lack of concern for the lives and welfare of people and communities.

“For years, governments have used destitution as a weapon of immigration policy, and this must stop.”

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Amnesty International UK, on Apr 27, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow

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