Papa New Guinea: Australia and New Zealand efforts 'woefully inadequate' amid COVID-19 surge

Published By Amnesty International UK [English], Wed, Mar 17, 2021 2:06 AM

Global inequalities in vaccine access spiraling out of control. Countries such as Papua New Guinea will continue to be at the back of the queue for limited supplies of vaccines

‘A combination of an ailing health system and inadequate living conditions has created a perfect storm for COVID-19’ - Kate Schuetze

Responding to reports that Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister James Marape has declared a critical ‘red stage’ in the country due to a recent surge in COVID-19 cases, Kate Schuetze, Pacific Researcher at Amnesty International, said:

“Papua New Guinea’s health crisis has now reached the level we feared it would a year ago with a surge in cases. A combination of an ailing health system and inadequate living conditions has created a perfect storm for COVID-19 to thrive in the country’s overcrowded informal settlements.

“We have received alarming reports of inadequate amounts of personal protective equipment for health workers, and that some hospitals are full or threatening to close to new admissions.

“Misinformation within the community and online about the illness is also rife, with some suggesting the illness is a government conspiracy theory. This has also been fuelled by the government at times publishing inaccurate information on the number of confirmed cases. There is no effective public information campaign by the government to dispel the misinformation.

“Australia and New Zealand have made pledges of assistance to Papua New Guinea in response to the pandemic, but it is woefully inadequate.

“Basic health infrastructure is urgently needed in Papua New Guinea to help immediately on the diagnostic and treatment level, as well as for the distribution of vaccines amid a deeply unequal global rollout. As a consequence, many poorer countries such as Papua New Guinea will continue to be at the back of the queue for vaccine supplies.

“Australia and New Zealand, together with other key donors, need to urgently provide more assistance to their neighbour. Both countries continue to fail to support calls by around 100 countries, mainly in the global south, for a temporary waiver of intellectual property rights that would enable increased production, affordability and accessibility of vaccines.”

Papua New Guinea is part of the United Nations COVAX scheme, which aims to fairly and equitably deliver vaccines to all countries. However, COVAX has to date not been resourced enough to ensure poorer countries are getting access to vaccines. The scheme is being severely undermined by wealthy countries buying up more vaccines than they need, significantly impacting on the ability to secure vaccines for other nations.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Amnesty International UK, on Mar 17, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow

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