Northern Ireland: new abortion statistics 'represent journeys no-one should be forced to make'

Published By Amnesty International UK [English], Tue, Jun 21, 2022 6:27 AM

New statistics for England and Wales show extent of forced journeys to access abortion services

‘Abortion healthcare should be accessible to all who need it, close to home’ - Grainne Teggart

Responding to the UK government’s publication of abortion statistics for England and Wales showing that 161 women in Northern Ireland travelled to access an abortion last year, Grainne Teggart, Amnesty International’s Northern Ireland Deputy Director, said:

“The numbers published today are not just statistics, they represent journeys no-one should be forced to make.  “Abortion healthcare should be accessible to all who need it, close to home. “Today is a timely reminder of the urgent need for commissioned services.  “We call on the Secretary of State to move swiftly to bring to an end the denial of this essential healthcare.  “Choice must be respected and protected - the only way to do this is by urgently establishing fully-resourced, commissioned services.”

Ruairi Rowan, Director of Advocacy and Policy for Informing Choices NI (ICNI), said:

“Since the new abortion framework was introduced, ICNI has spoken with numerous women who have been unable to access local abortion care.  “Being denied access to local treatment has caused those women great distress and anger.  “Often women ask why, if the law has changed, are services not in place.  “We echo the calls for the Secretary of State to ensure local access to abortion services.”

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Amnesty International UK, on Jun 21, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow

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