Ethiopia: War crimes committed in Western Tigray - New Report

Published By Amnesty International UK [English], Wed, Apr 6, 2022 1:28 AM

Amhara regional security forces and civilian authorities have committed widespread abuses against Tigrayans since November 2020

Hundreds of thousands of Tigrayan civilians expelled from homes using threats, killings, mass arbitrary detention, pillage, forcible transfer, and the denial of humanitarian assistance

Security forces also used gang rape, accompanied by verbal and physical abuse, abduction, and sexual slavery

‘Concerned governments must… make a concerted effort to obtain justice for these heinous crimes’ – Agnès Callamard

Amhara regional security forces and civilian authorities in Ethiopia’s Western Tigray Zone have committed widespread abuses against Tigrayans since November 2020 that amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said in a new report released today (6 April).

The 240-page report, ‘We Will Erase You From This Land’: Crimes Against Humanity and Ethnic Cleansing in Ethiopia’s Western Tigray Zone, documents how newly-appointed officials in Western Tigray and security forces from the neighbouring Amhara region - with the compliance and possible participation of Ethiopian federal forces - systematically expelled several hundred thousand Tigrayan civilians from their homes using threats, unlawful killings, sexual violence, mass arbitrary detention, pillage, forcible transfer, and the denial of humanitarian assistance. These widespread and systematic attacks against the Tigrayan civilian population amount to crimes against humanity, as well as war crimes.

Ethiopian authorities have severely restricted access and independent scrutiny of the region, keeping the campaign of ethnic cleansing largely hidden.

The Ethiopian government must ensure immediate and sustained access to the region for humanitarian agencies, release all those arbitrarily detained, and investigate and appropriately prosecute those responsible for abuses.

Additionally, any agreement reached by parties involved in the armed conflict should include the deployment of an African Union-led international peacekeeping force to the Western Tigray Zone to ensure the protection of all communities from abuses.

The Western Zone: A source of tension for 30 years

The Western Zone is a fertile administrative area in Ethiopia’s Tigray region. Claims over Western Tigray have been the source of heightened boundary and identity disputes since 1992. Western Tigray came under the control of the Ethiopian National Defence Forces (ENDF) and allied forces and militias from the Amhara region within two weeks of the outbreak of conflict in Tigray in November 2020.

During the initial offensives, Ethiopian federal and allied forces carried out war crimes against Tigrayan communities - including indiscriminate shelling of towns and extrajudicial executions, forcing tens of thousands to flee to neighbouring Sudan and to other parts of Tigray.

Tigrayan militias and local residents also carried out war crimes against Amhara residents and visiting labourers in a massacre that occurred in Mai Kadra town on 9 November, the first publicly reported large-scale massacre of this conflict.

In the ensuing months, newly-appointed administrators in Western Tigray and Amhara Special Forces – a regional paramilitary force – undertook a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Tigrayan residents of the area.

Over 15 months, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch researchers interviewed more than 400 people, including in-person interviews of Tigrayan refugees in Sudan, and remote interviews of Tigrayan and Amhara residents of Western Tigray and the Amhara region who suffered or witnessed abuses.

Researchers also consulted medical and forensic reports, court documents, satellite imagery, and photographic and video evidence that corroborated accounts of grave abuses.

On 24 March, the government announced a humanitarian truce. Regardless of any truce or ceasefire, Ethiopia’s federal and regional authorities should allow unhindered, independent, and sustained humanitarian assistance.

Amhara regional security forces, militias, and newly appointed authorities carried out a coordinated campaign of ethnically targeted persecution beginning in late 2020.

In several towns across Western Tigray, signs were displayed ordering Tigrayans to leave, and local administrators discussed their plans to remove Tigrayans in open meetings.

A Tigrayan woman from Baeker town described threats she faced by Fanos, an irregular Amhara militia:

Pamphlets appeared giving Tigrayans 24-hours or 72-hour ultimatums to leave or be killed.

The authorities rounded up thousands of Tigrayans for long-term detention and abuse in overcrowded facilities. Amnesty and Human Rights Watch believe thousands of Tigrayans are still held in life-threatening conditions today.

Security forces also used gang rape, accompanied by verbal and physical abuse, abduction, and sexual slavery.

One 27-year-old Tigrayan woman said that a militia member told her as the men raped her: “You Tigrayans should disappear from the land west of [the Tekeze River]. You are evil and we are purifying your blood.”

Further evidence can be found here.

Authorities in Western Tigray also imposed restrictions on movement, humanitarian assistance, speaking the Tigrinya language, and access to farmland to coerce Tigrayans to leave. Amhara security forces - and in some places Eritrean forces present in Western Tigray - looted crops, livestock, and equipment, depriving Tigrayans of their means of survival.

A 63-year-old farmer from Division village watched as a group of men destroyed his home. One of the men told him:

Many Tigrayan communities, facing starvation and intimidation, felt they had no choice but to leave. In other instances, local authorities provided trucks or buses to expel tens of thousands of Tigrayans, sending them east, toward central Tigray.

This coordinated campaign continued for months. Tens of thousands of Tigrayans had fled or been expelled by March 2021. Abuses and expulsions escalated again in November last year, when tens of thousands of older and sick Tigrayans, young mothers, and children were expelled, while Amhara forces arrested and detained thousands of adult men, shooting at those who tried to flee.

On 17 January last year, Amhara militias known as Fanos and local residents rounded up and detained dozens of male Tigrayan residents of the town of Adi Goshu.

Members of the Amhara Special Forces rounded up and summarily executed about 60 Tigrayan men by the Tekeze River. Witnesses and the few men who survived believed the killings were a revenge attack after the Amhara forces suffered heavy losses during fighting with Tigrayan forces the previous night.

The massacre prompted a mass exodus of Tigrayans from Adi Goshu.

Former detainees held in sites across Tigray said many people died in detention sites run by the Amhara forces and Fano militias. Some died as a result of torture, denial of medical care, and lack of food and water. Others were killed directly by guards.

Both Ethiopian federal forces and Amhara authorities have denied allegations of ethnic cleansing in Western Tigray. On 25 February, Amnesty and Human Rights Watch wrote to Ethiopian federal and Amhara and Tigrayan regional authorities concerning the organisations’ findings. At the time of writing, only the Amhara regional government had responded.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Amnesty International UK, on Apr 6, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow

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