Austria: women migrant care workers 'exploited' during pandemic

Published By Amnesty International UK [English], Thu, Jul 1, 2021 4:30 AM

Thousands of Romanian and Slovak live-in care workers face discriminatory pay and working conditions during pandemic

Women paid less than men, while migrant workers paid less than Austrians

‘We have no holiday pay and no unemployment benefits’ - Dora, Romanian care worker

Migrant women care workers in Austria are being exploited with shockingly poor pay, discrimination, and excessively long hours, pushing some to the brink of collapse, Amnesty International said in a new report today (1 July).

Amnesty’s 34-page report - We just want some rights - documents serious workers’ rights concerns for migrant women in Austria working as live-in carers for older people.

Many of the women - from Central and Eastern Europe - are subjected to discrimination and abuse.

Almost all (98%) of Austria’s 60,000 live-in care workers for older people are migrants, mainly from Romania and Slovakia. These women are paid almost 20% less than men, and migrant workers in general have much lower salaries than nationals. For instance, Slovak care workers in Austria are paid on average €10,080 per year compared to the minimum wage for Austrian care workers who earn on €17,484 per year.

Care workers in Austria told Amnesty that unfair wages, lack of sick pay and inadequate breaks were a daily reality before the pandemic, but Covid-19 had made working conditions unbearable.

While the Austrian authorities have put in place some coronavirus-related support mechanisms for live-in care workers, they have not always been made accessible to migrant care workers because of restrictive eligibility criteria, including the need to have an Austrian bank account which many do not have.

In many instances, live-in care workers are also mis-classified as self-employed. They have little autonomy to negotiate their wage or working patterns because as domestic workers they work under the supervision of the older people they care for and/or their families. Also, recruitment agencies operate as intermediaries between workers and their clients, often setting wages and work patterns without negotiation.

In Austria, only formally employed care workers receive the minimum wage, working hours protection and access to sick pay - meaning the 98% of live-in care workers who are self-employed are exempted from these protections.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Amnesty International UK, on Jul 1, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow

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