Dementia charity welcomes footballing authorities joint action plan on protecting brain health

Published By Alzheimer's Research UK [English], Tue, Dec 7, 2021 6:01 PM

Today (Tuesday 8 December), The Football Association (FA) in association with The Premier League, The English Football League, and the Players Association have released a document summarising a joint action plan on understanding, promoting and protecting brain health in English football.

The new document represents the start of a period of consultation in which the FA will seek views from outside the organisation regarding future work.

Dr Susan Kohlhaas, Director of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said:

“As the UK’s leading dementia research charity, we welcome a joint action plan on understanding, promoting and protecting brain health in English football put forward by the FA’s research task force. We’ve been calling for stakeholders in the footballing world to come together since evidence shed light on the link between football and dementia. We recognise this collaborative approach is a step forward, and this plan must now be delivered in earnest. “Understanding, promoting, and protecting brain health throughout life is important. We know exercise has huge benefits for brain health and Alzheimer’s Research UK are currently undertaking a wide-ranging review to investigate the links between sport and dementia risk in more detail. “Dementia isn’t an inevitable part of getting older and there are steps we can take to look after our brains. Ultimately, we want everyone to know the key ingredients to good brain health and to empower them to act on that knowledge. “As a charity we work with our partners to supply the Think Brain Health e-learning programme, an interactive and engaging tool to raise vital understanding of dementia and teach employees about how improving brain health can help reduce their risk of developing the condition.”

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of Alzheimer's Research UK, on Dec 7, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow

Dr Laura Phipps

Head of Communications
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