Withdrawal of marketing authorisations of veterinary medicines containing Zinc Oxide

Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, Jan 5, 2022 4:15 AM


In June 2017, the European Commission (EC) adopted a Commission Implementing Decision to withdraw, by 26 June 2022, the marketing authorisations (MAs) of veterinary medicines containing Zinc Oxide for oral administration to food-producing animals.

This Commission Implementing Decision forms part of retained EU law and therefore part of UK law.

See Veterinary medicines containing Zinc Oxide: European referral outcome , and Veterinary medicines containing Zinc Oxide: European Commission decision for further information on this decision.

Withdrawal of Marketing Authorisations

In the UK, there are two veterinary medicines containing Zinc Oxide authorised for oral administration to food-producing animals, both of which were subject of the referral procedure.

Together with the pig sector we have been working to explore how withdrawal of these MAs can be implemented in a way that does not lead to an increase in antibiotic use or a decrease in the health and welfare of weaned piglets.

Products in the supply chain by 26 June 2022 can continue to be supplied and used

We recognise the hard work and progress the pig sector has already made to prepare for the withdrawal of the MAs. To support the sector as they continue to phase out the use of Zinc Oxide and implement alternative approaches, Zinc Oxide products that are QP released, and therefore in the supply chain, by 26 June 2022, can continue to be used until their end of shelf life. This is in accordance with established practice when MAs expire and product is no longer being placed on the market.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jan 5, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow