Update: Punch Pubs verifies its Code compliance after it accepts it has a statutory duty to provide Rent Proposals to new tenants

Published By GOV.UK [English], Tue, Feb 1, 2022 6:50 AM

In July 2021, the PCA published a Pubs Code Action Story to explain that we had received a Pubs Code arbitration award, from which it appeared Punch Pubs had failed to recognise its statutory duty to provide a rent proposal to new tied tenants. Following contact from the PCA, Punch Pubs confirmed that it now recognised this is a statutory duty under regulation 15(7) of the Pubs Code.

The PCA then required assurance that the Code Compliance Officer (CCO) understood how tenants were affected by this issue and what steps needed to be taken in response. This included being transparent with affected tenants and ensuring it was providing clear and accurate information about Code rights.

This is an update on actions the PCA has taken to ensure Punch Pubs’ CCO has verified its compliance with regulation 15(7) and all associated duties relating to the provision of a rent proposal.

Following the PCA’s intervention, Punch Pubs has:

informed its tied estate of the status of rent proposals provided as part of taking on a new tied agreement

conducted a compliance verification exercise across a sample of affected tenants

updated its rent proposal template to provide clear confirmation that the proposal has been prepared in accordance with RICS guidance, as required by regulation 16(3)

reviewed and updated its literature, communications, and processes for new tenants to ensure clarity on the status of the rent proposal and their Code rights

carried out staff training to raise awareness of the Code requirements for rent proposals

contacted the tenant in the affected arbitration case

These are the types of steps the PCA would expect a CCO to take proactively in response to compliance issues and for this to be reported to the PCA. The PCA is pleased that the CCO has taken action to help identify the impact on tenants and reduce the risk of such issues arising in the future.

It remains open to the PCA to take any further action as necessary in relation to this matter.

Affected Tenants

Tenants who may have been affected by this issue can contact Punch Pubs’ Code Compliance Officer, Donna Gracey at or email the PCA office at information about a pub company’s duties in relation to Rent Proposals can be found in the PCA’s Factsheet.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Feb 1, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow